· Apr 13, 2017 1m read

When CACHE means cache and not Caché

I only recently noticed the presence of a local database named CACHE alongside the more familiar CACHESYS, CACHELIB, CACHETEMP and CACHEAUDIT.

A bit of digging through the documentation archive led me to conclude that the CACHE database arrived in 2010.2, where the release notes say:


Note the lack of an accent on the words I have highlighted.

The above documentation is incorrect when it says "this database is mounted as read-only". In fact it is mounted RW. But the %DB_CACHE security resource that controls access to it only grants R as its public permission. In other words, every process can read code or data from it but only processes with additional privileges can write to it.

It seems that the ^%cspSession global was relocated from CACHETEMP to CACHE. In CACHETEMP it would have been writable by every process; in CACHE it is better protected.

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