· Jul 13, 2017

EmergencyId startup

Hello, I am writing to request assistance on an issue I appear to be having when accessing Ensemble. I have it running on a Windows virtual machine, on a Mac laptop, and am trying to access it through the emergency ID account. When starting Ensemble through the command line window using ccontrol start ENSEMBLE /Em... I get an error and Ensemble does not start. Below is the error message I am getting when checking the logs:

07/13/17-09:30:46:789 (4848) 2 Failed to allocate 422MB shared memory: 304MB global buffers, 35MB routine buffers
07/13/17-09:30:46:800 (4848) 2 Unable to allocate shared memory minimum of 101MB
07/13/17-09:30:52:742 ( 5484) 3 cctrl.dll (error during startup):(289) Cache failed to start.  Cache Control Process terminated abnormally (exit code = 0).

Recently we have increased the amount of available memory for the virtual machine, as we were getting this issue yesterday as well, however now that it has ample memory we are still getting this error. Can anyone assist me on this matter? Thank you!

I am fairly new to Ensemble so I hope this makes sense.

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It appears though you have already resolved your issue by reinstalling the instance.

I encourage you to reach out to our Worldwide Response Center if you run into issues starting InterSystems applications in the future.  We can assist in identifying the root cause of what is preventing a normal startup.

You can find information about the WRC here: