There are several options how to deliver user interface(UI) for DeepSee BI solutions. The most common approaches are:

  • use native DeepSee Dashboards, get web UI in Zen and deliver it in your web apps.
  • use DeepSee REST API, get and build your own UI widgets and dashboards.

The 1st approach is good because of the possibility to build BI dashboards without coding relatively fast, but you are limited with preset widgets library which is expandable but with a lot of development efforts.

The 2nd provides you the way to use any comprehensive js framework (D3, Highcharts, etc) to visualize your DeepSee data, but you need to code widgets and dashboards on your own.

Today I want to tell you about yet another approach which combines both listed above and provides Angular based web UI for DeepSee Dashboards - DeepSee Web library.

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Hi guys,

I'm trying to immigrate some of my HealthInsight dashboards and pivot tables to another HS instance.

In some pivot tables, I defined them with a set of calculated dimensions defined in the analyzer, e.g as below:

Then when I exported the cubes and pivot tables in used to my new envirmonment. When I open my pivot tables again, the calculated dimensions are missing and hence my pivot tables no longer work:

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Hi everyone! My company has a Zen ERP application with CSP delegated authentication. Now, we're developing a separated BI application, using Angular, which consumes DeepSee REST API services. Both applications access the same Caché database.

How to implement single sign-on strategy in order to allow an already authenticated ERP user to access DeepSee REST services? Has anyone already implemented something like that?

Thanks in advanced.

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Hi, folks!

When you deploy DeepSee solutions you often do not want grant a User %All Role to work with a particular Dashboard.

Consider a Dashboard 'Dash' with a few widgets where listings are being used.

If you manage a Role to get access to the Dash you need to grant access to %DB_DBNAME resource to have a database access, grant access to a Dashboard resource (if any) and ... grant SELECT accesses to all the tables involved in SQL queries being used in all the listings of widgets.

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System Monitor is a flexible and highly configurable tool supplied with Caché (Ensemble, HealthShare), which collects the essential metrics of the operating system and Caché itself. System Monitor also notifies administrators about issues with Caché and the operating system, when one or several parameters reach the admin-defined thresholds.

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My scenario is:

I have a Cache method that

call a REST -> JSON -response > INSERT/UPDATE the source table of a DeepSee Cube -> Update the Cube only for this change -

I want to view in .NET Application the changes. For that I want that this method should be executed at a defined interval.

Or maybe the solution is a Refresh button in .NET page. is there any way to access a Cache method from .NET?

Any idea how to do it?

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Hi, Community!

If you do not know much about DeepSee technology, this video on is exactly for you:

DeepSee Webinar
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Hello, I've completed this tutorial:
I've used the "year" level instead of a pivot variable.
I want to calculate something like the following variation: 100 * ([DateOfSale].[PTD] - [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]) / [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]
I create a new calculated member, under the same dimmension with the above expression.

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· Aug 3, 2017
DeepSee time series - season


I have a series of data organized by time (year and month) so I can use a time dimension to drill down data. So far so good.

However, I need to display the data not by calendar years and months but rather by seasons. The season has 12 calendar months but starts in September. So I'd like to see the data from September / Year N to August / Year N+1 using the same hierarchy as normal time dimension.

Has anyone done something similar?

Obviously, the season can start by any month, not only September :)


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My boss would like to change the Ensemble logo that one sees in the mangement portal, because it's part of the DeepSee Anaylzer.

I can see where it lives on the generated html.

I kow that you can set the logo for the User POrtal settings in DeepSee -- you can specifiy a URL for your logo. But we'd like to go one stee further and change the Ensemble by InterSystems to our own logo / company name.

Is it possible to change this in the code? Is there a Configuration setting to change this?



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Hi everybody,

I have to create a pivot that shows the result comparing the last week of the current date with the last week of the last year in the same month. I tried using the function LAG, but didn´t work. Works only if I want to compare the months between the two years. If someone has some idea, i will appreciatte a lot.


Jaqueline Krieger

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