· Aug 28, 2023 3m read
IKO & The Compatibility Version Gotcha

With the world (as well as our own technology) moving to the cloud at such a fast pace it is easy (at least for myself) to get caught up in the little details. One thing I, and some clients of ours, had run into a couple of times was the necessity to specify the version of the images one plans to use with the IKO.

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Hi Community!

We are glad to invite every developer who uses ObjectSript and VSCode plugin to the upcoming "Introduction to VSCode-ObjectScript" webinar on April 14, 2020 at 11:00 EDT.

Speaker: @Dmitry Maslennikov, InterSystems Developers Advocate, CTO at CaretDev.

You will learn how convenient the development process can be already right now and what we are going to do next to make it even better.

Please check the agenda below.

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Hi community!

I want to introduce you a new powerful feature from our static code analyzer objectscriptQuality.

Each time a new IRIS version is released, you need to prepare a roadmap for migration in which you need to spend a lot of time on testing to find where your code is not accomplishing with the newer version. Or maybe you need your code to be compatible with multiple IRIS or Caché versions.

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· Nov 2, 2023 3m read
How to hide the source program

InterSystems FAQ rubric

For routines (*.mac)

You can hide the source by exporting/importing only the *.obj that is generated after compiling the source program.

The command execution example specifies EX1Sample.obj and EX2Sample.obj, which are generated by compiling EX1Sample.mac and EX2Sample.mac, as export targets and exports them to the second argument file.

After moving to another namespace, I am using the exported XML file to perform the import.

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Hi, Community!

This article is an overview of SQLAlchemy, so let's begin!

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit that serves as a bridge between your Python code and the relational database system of your choice. Created by Michael Bayer, it is currently available as an open-source library under the MIT License. SQLAlchemy supports a wide range of database systems, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, making it versatile and adaptable to different project requirements.

The SQLAlchemy SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper from a comprehensive set of tools for working with databases and Python. It has several distinct areas of functionality which you can use individually or in various combinations. The major components are illustrated below, with component dependencies organized into layers:


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· Dec 19, 2023 8m read
VIP in Azure

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in Azure, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

The main issue, when deploying to Azure, is that an IRIS VIP has a requirement of IRIS being essentially a network admin, per the docs.

To get HA, IRIS mirror members must be deployed to different availability zones in one subnet (which is possible in Azure as subnets can span several zones). One of the solutions might be load balancers, but they, of course, cost extra, and you need to administrate them.

In this article, I would like to provide a way to configure a Mirror VIP without the using Load Balancers suggested in most other Azure reference architectures.

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Hi Community,

OpenAPI-Client Gen has just released, this is an application to create an IRIS Interoperability Production client from Swagger 2.0 specification.

Instead of the existing tool ^%REST that creates a server-side REST application, OpenAPI-Client Gen creates a complete REST Interoperability Production client template.

Install by ZPM:

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing two exams focused on using SQL in InterSystems IRIS and we need input from our InterSystems IRIS SQL community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will present you with a list of job tasks, and you will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

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Hi Community

In this article, I will introduce my application irisChatGPT which is built on LangChain Framework.

First of all, let us have a brief overview of the framework.

The entire world is talking about ChatGPT and how Large Language Models(LLMs) have become so powerful and has been performing beyond expectations, giving human-like conversations. This is just the beginning of how this can be applied to every enterprise and every domain!

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Hi Developers, I'm currently doing a demo about building a front end UI doing data analytics and setup a performance test with large data objects, therefore using "Populate Utility" could help me auto generate some sample data that I can play with.

Within this post I would like to share my experience of using Populate Utility, including using POPSPEC Parameter.

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We now get to make use of the IKO.

Below we define the environment we will be creating via a Custom Resource Definition (CRD). It lets us define something outside the realm of what the Kubernetes standard knows (this is objects such as your pods, services, persistent volumes (and claims), configmaps, secrets, and lots more). We are building a new kind of object, an IrisCluster object.

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What is Unstructured Data?
Unstructured data refers to information lacking a predefined data model or organization. In contrast to structured data found in databases with clear structures (e.g., tables and fields), unstructured data lacks a fixed schema. This type of data includes text, images, videos, audio files, social media posts, emails, and more.

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Hi Developers!

We are going to establish a series of InterSystems IRIS Online Programming contests this year.

In March we started with ObjectScript CLI and here is the schedule of topics for the next few months:

  • April - InterSystems IRIS with REST API
  • May - InterSystems IRIS Native API application: use Python, JS, .NET, Java native APIs in your application to use IRIS
  • June-July - InterSystems IRIS AI/ML solutions. IntegratedML as a bonus
  • August - InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR application
  • September - InterSystems IRIS Full-stack application: IRIS as a server and UI on any framework and any form: and web, desktop, mobile UI
  • October - Interoperability solutions for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health
  • November - Analytics Solution using InterSystems IRIS
  • December - Multi-model solution using InterSystems IRIS

All applications should be runnable with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container.

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Hey developers!

Sometimes we need to insert or refer to the data of classes directly in globals.

And maybe a lot of you expect that data structure of global with records is:


And this article is a heads up, that this is not always true, don't expect it as granted!

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· Dec 4, 2021 6m read
Why? How? What's zap-api-scan-sample?

Hey community, how are you all doing?

What if you could check if your REST application is susceptible to some vulnerability? What if you could check if any known attacks affect your application?

With these issues in mind, we've brought our sample application using the ZAP testing tool. A way to quickly, conveniently provide tools for developers to validate security issues in an accessible manner practically.

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· Jan 12, 2022 12m read
JSON Schema applied to InterSystems IRIS

The JSON is a data document free of types and validation rules. However, in some scenarios it is important that the JSON document has type and business rules validation, especially in interoperability scenarios. This article demonstrates how you can leverage a market-defined JSONSchema technology that is open for everyone to use and do advanced validations.

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In this post, I am going to detail how to set up a mirror using SSL, including generating the certificates and keys via the Public Key Infrastructure built in to InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. I did a similar post in the past for Caché, so feel free to check that out here if you are not running InterSystems IRIS. Much like the original, the goal of this is to take you from new installations to a working mirror with SSL, including a primary, backup, and DR async member, along with a mirrored database. I will not go into security recommendations or restricting access to the files. This is meant to just simply get a mirror up and running. Example screenshots are taken on a 2018.1.1 version of IRIS, so yours may look slightly different.

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