· Aug 30, 2024 3m read

IRIS Native Python

Hello Community

I have previously experimented with embedded Python in IRIS; however, I have not yet had the opportunity to implement IRIS using native Python. In this article, I aim to outline the steps I took to begin learning and implementing IRIS within the Python source. I would also like thank to @Guillaume Rongier and @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos for their help in resolving the issues I encountered during my recent PIP installation of IRIS in Python, which ultimately enabled it to function properly.

Let's begin to write IRIS in python.

First comes First, You have to install the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl file from the github repo. I downloaded and installed in my windows machine.

py -m pip install intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl

Verified the packages are installed in my machine by executing py -m pip list

intersystems-irispython 3.2.0
iris                    0.0.5


Now ready to start writing the python. I've created a .py file and import iris package on top of the class.

Now let's establish the connection to IRIS by using connection method and create use the connection object to instantiate the iris.IRIS object by using "createIRIS" and this is the crucial step to proceed further operations.

import iris
impor time

args = {'hostname':'', 'port':1972,'namespace':'LEARNING', 'username':'_SYSTEM', 'password':'SYS'}

    some other ways instead of kwargs
    conn = iris.connect(hostname='', port=1972, namespace='LEARNING',username='_SYSTEM',password='SYS')
    conn = iris.connect(**args)
    # A new IRIS object that uses the given connection.
    irispy = iris.createIRIS(conn)

except Exception as e:
    # Handling the exception and printing the error
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


Now let's talk about the Methods for COS and global

Once you had successfully created an IRIS object. Now it's ready to use various operations

set : This function is used to define the global values in to the IRIS database

1. fist parameter is set value 

2. second parameter is global name

3. *args - third parameter is subscript(s)

def set_global(value=None,gbl=None,*args):
    #set method is in _IRIS from iris package
    irispy.set('set from irispy','mygbl','a',str(time.time()))
    print('global set done!')



kill This function is used to delete the global from database

def kill_global():
    print('global kill done!')

IsDefined: equals to $data : verify it exist

def data_isDefined():
    # equal to $data
    print(irispy.isDefined('mygbl','a')) # o/p 10
    print(irispy.isDefined('mygbl','a','1724996313.480835')) # o/p 1

nextSubscript: Equals to $Order


tStart, tCommit and tRollback: same as TStart, TCommit, TRollback

def global_transaction_commit():
    irispy.set('set from irispy','mygbl','trans',str(time.time()))

def global_transaction_rollback():
    irispy.set('set from irispy','mygbl','trans1',str(time.time()))
    irispy.tRollback() # tRollbackOne()


lock and unlock: by default incremental lock/exclusive lock

def global_lock():
    #default exclusive lock
    s = irispy.lock('',1,'^mygbl')
    time.sleep(10) # verify the lock in locktab
def global_shared_lock():
    s = irispy.lock('S',1,'^mygbl')

node: subscript level traversal same as $Order

def node_traversal():
    # subscript level traversal like $Order
    for mrn in irispy.node('^mygbl'):
         for phone in irispy.node('^mygbl',mrn):
            print(f'patient mrn {mrn} and phone number: {phone}')
patient mrn 912 and phone number: 3166854791
patient mrn 991 and phone number: 78050314
patient mrn 991 and phone number: 9128127353

The node, value traversal and class definitions and it members are covered in the next article.

You can refer the IRIS documentation  for all the functions.

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