Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to AutoML @ Global Summit 2022

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InterSystems announces its first developer preview, as part of the developer preview program for 2023.1 release. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2023.1 and there are also brand-new capabilities, such as production-ready support for Columnar Storage, ability to use Bulk FHIR, and support to MacOS 13 Ventura. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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I am trying get the Unix time stamp in milliseconds

set epochSecond= $ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP,-2)*1000

but the result is not accurate as $ZDATETIME ignoring /truncating the fraction of the seconds and the milliseconds calculation is not accurate with fraction seconds

for example

set epochSecond= $ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP,-2)


when its converts to the milliseconds

it became 1675830682000. not the accurate fractional seconds.

My target system looking for the milliseconds time stamp to authenticate.

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Hello guys,

i try to call a Operation within 3 foreach loops.

When i try to do this, i always get the following error:

I dont get any Errpr when i log my request message at this time i want to call a operation.

Everything works and i get no error. But when i try to call the operation i get this error.

Then i tried to call a operation in the first Level (not in a ForeachLoop) it works.

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· Feb 7, 2023 5m read
IRIS quick query service idea sharing

Hello, friends who are developing IRIS. I recently participated in the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest. This time, I made a tool based on the idea described in an article I published earlier as a template for quick query of messages. Currently, you only need to establish entity classes in IRIS, Then record the message corresponding to the entity class in the specified lookup table, and all the key fields generated in the message can be inverted indexed (the concept in ElasticSearch), which is convenient for quick query. The following is the design idea of my program.

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So, I know that I can return a SQL Error message from my SQL Procedure written in ObjectScript, with code like this

$ cat <<EOF | irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:1972/USER
 SET %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE = 400
 SET %sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT = -1
 SET %sqlcontext.%Message = "test error message"

CALL test();

[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Location: <SPFunction>]
[%msg: <test error message>]

But I did not find how to do it with Python. I can't find %sqlcontext variable available there

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Listen to CEO George James chat with Derek Robinson, host of the InterSystems DataPoints podcast talk about source control, developer tools and how our solutions are beneficial for InterSystems IRIS users.


In this short 17 minute episode, George and Derek discuss our work with developer tools, and how choosing the right source control can provide users with a seamless solution - which is why Deltanji is seen as the go-to source control for InterSystems IRIS users.

Listen now on the InterSystems website > https://bit.ly/3Jp5py5
or wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'InterSystems DataPoints'.

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If anyone has a custom checklist of tasks that must absolutely be done when doing this upgrade to make sure everything is included and nothing is lost or destroyed, we would greatly appreciate it? We have the generic checklist provided on the support websites but we run custom build classes, ftp, tcp-ip, batch, etc.


Jonathan Harris

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Let InterSystems IRIS Do the Work: Git Source Control & Linting ObjectScript Across Editors @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Developers,

We'd like to invite you to join our next contest dedicated to creating useful tools to make your fellow developers' lives easier:

🏆 InterSystems Developer Tools Contest 🏆

Submit an application that helps to develop faster, contributes more qualitative code, and helps in testing, deployment, support, or monitoring of your solution with InterSystems IRIS.

Duration: January 23 - February 12, 2023

Prize pool: $13,500

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Mirroring 101

Caché mirroring is a reliable, inexpensive, and easy to implement high availability and disaster recovery solution for Caché and Ensemble-based applications. Mirroring provides automatic failover under a broad range of planned and unplanned outage scenarios, with application recovery time typically limited to seconds. Logical data replication eliminates storage as a single point of failure and a source of data corruption. Upgrades can be executed with little or no downtime.

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I copied a 5 MB messages.log file to AWS where I have iris-log-viewer app deployed. I ran the test to see how it takes in IRIS code to import the lines into a persistent table:

IRISAPP>set m5mb="/home/irisowner/irisdev/messages.old_20221231.log"


IRISAPP>do ##class(otw.log.irislogreader).Test1(m5mb)
Test1 begins at 02/05/2023 12:49:30
Test1 ends at 02/05/2023 12:49:34
Test1 execution time: 3.500789

select count(*) from otw_log.Log


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· Feb 5, 2023 2m read
COS Url Shortener

Hi Community!

I want to share with you mi first Open Exchange application.

It's a tool to made our developments easier. It's a micro service in a IRIS docker that help us in our new features giving us a way to add short links in our SMS, Email campaigns and for links of the different stores for our apps.

It's very easy to use it.

Simply clone this repo:


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Usualy, if you want to deploy a solution, you need to add the items, configure your lookup tables and default configuration manually.
It's okay if you have all the permissions and privileges to perform these actions. If you want to deploy to a client's production server, and you don't have the permissions, you need to indicate in a document ALL the steps that the deployment manager has to perform.

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The last days I've work with the great new feature: LOAD DATA With this post I would like to share my first experiences with you. The following points do not contain any order or other evaluation. These are only things that I noticed when using the LOAD DATA command. It should also be noted that these points are based on the IRIS Version 2021.2.0.617 which is a preview release. So it may be that my observations do not apply to newer IRIS versions.

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I have code hier and trying to view diacrit character

Class Test.REST.Services Extends EnsLib.REST.Service

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter";

Parameter EnsServicePrefix = "^TEST";

XData UrlMap
<Route Url="/dio/:Resource" Method="GET" Call="getDio" />

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 16, 2022 1m read
How do I apply for the NoPWS Early Access Program (EAP)?

Early Access Program (EAP) is a way to to deliver specific features early to a group of people who will test and provide feedback on that feature.

One of those EAPs is about the the discontinuation of the Apache web server installation (a.k.a. NoPWS) from IRIS product installers. If you're interested in this topic and want to test it, the way to register is to send an email to nopws@intersystems.com. Use this same email for any other feedback.

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· Jan 23, 2023 2m read

In general Global Streams are data objects embedded in Classes / Tables.
Using and viewing them with SQL is normally a part of the access to the containing tables.


During debugging or searching for strange or unexpected behavior there could be the need to
get closer to the stored stream. No big problem with direct access to Globals with SMP or Terminal.
But with SQL you are lost.
So my tool provides dynamic access to Global Streams wherever you may need this
Special thanks to @Oliver Wilms for the inspiration for this tool.

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