Hello everyone,

Recently, I've been working on a Business Process that processes a large JSON FHIR message containing up to 50k requests in an array within the JSON.

Currently, the code imports the JSON as a dynamic object from the original message stream, obtains an iterator from it, and processes each request one at a time in a loop.

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Good day,

We recently had penetration testing conducted on our HealthShare clinical viewer and patient Index instances and below is the recommendation

1. Set a same-site cookie for identified CSPWSERVERID. Please advise where I can do this as I only saw this on web gateway settings and it has enable and disable options only.

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Do you ever spend an age entering criteria in the message viewer page, trying to find a message just to realise you're in the wrong instance of IRIS?

Or get lost in a sea of message tabs struggling to spot that Visual Trace page your were JUST looking at?

Well, have you tried the IRIS WHIZ browser extension and its suite of tools designed to help you avoid such unpleasantness?

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After upgrading from Cache to IRIS while running the web application I am getting an error in message.log

Error: Create Gateway - Unable to create new gateway connection: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: <NOTOPEN>%AddToCurrentClassPath+6^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1

Cache Version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.7 (Build 721U) Fri Mar 18 2022 22:07:35 EDT

Upgrade to IRIS Version : IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22511U) Thu May 11 2023 22:36:05 EDT

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We encountered difficulties while attempting to establish a JDBC connection to Intersystems using AZURE Databricks, resulting in an inability to retrieve data. The JDBC version utilized was intersystems-jdbc-3.3.1.jar. If anyone has successfully employed Databricks for establishing a connection, we would appreciate information regarding the libraries you used

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

This error occurs when an instance of the class is already open at compile time.

There are two ways to deal with this issue:

  1. Terminate the process or application that has the instance open
  2. Compile options in the studio build menu: Check the compile flag “Compile classes in use” and compile.

If you want to determine which process is using the class, try the sample routine below.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

There is no need to recompile the routines after the version upgrade, but since the version update overwrites %SYS, user-created INT and OBJ format routines (*.INT,*.OBJ) in %SYS will be deleted. Therefore, you need to be careful.

MAC, INT and OBJ routines with the following names are not deleted.

%Z*.INT, %z*.INT, Z*.INT,z*.INT
%Z*.OBJ, %z*.OBJ, Z*.OBJ,z*.OBJ

Please note that classes/CSPs need to be compiled after upgrading.

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For a REST application, when a user connects, I have to write a message in an application log.
The login is processed by the /login routine by default.

How can I add a process to the login process?
Is there a callback ?
Should I create a login method in my class that extends %CSP.REST ?
I'm not sure and can't find information in the documentation ?

I try this (not working) :


<Route Url="/lists" Method="GET" Call="GetLists" />

<Route Url="/me" Method="GET" Call="GetUserInformations" />

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I wonder if anyone has a smart idea to extract an XML fragment inside a text document (incoming from a stream)?

The XML fragment is surrounded by plain text.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ?>

The XML is not represented by any class or object in the Namespace.

The XML can look different from time to time

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Best Practices for InterSystems IRIS System Performance in the Cloud @ Global Summit 2023

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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In the previous article, we saw different modules in IRIS AI Studio and how it could help explore GenAI capabilities out of IRIS DB seamlessly, even for a non-technical stakeholder. In this article, we will deep dive into "Connectors" module, the one that enables users to seamlessly load data from local or cloud sources (AWS S3, Airtable, Azure Blob) into IRIS DB as vector embeddings, by also configuring embedding settings like model and dimensions.

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Hi Community,

Can anyone point me to the docs that show how to add automatic class documentation for the arguments used in a method call? I can auto document the class, methods, properties etc. with the "///" but can't figure out how to get the nice argument documentation for the arguments used when calling a method.

Thanks in advance

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Hey Community,

Click play and immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adaptive Analytics in Action - Two Customer Use Cases @ Global Summit 2023

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi All,

If I remember it correctly there is a functionality in IRIS to make this possible.

I've got two incoming Business Services of files from different sources.

BS1: An Ens.StreamContainer with some info and metadata which point to a specific file. Ens.StreamContainer will be send to a BP.

BS2: The files where the metadata points to. It's in the Ens.StreamContainer

But dependent on the flow the file could be later available on BS2. So I want the BPL to wait for the file to arrive at BS2.

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How do you authenticate with a rest api? The rest api implemention allows us to add in the header Authentication: 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + password) but it is not really secure as a user can inspect and with the right decoding tool see a user password

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· Sep 17, 2023 1m read


This is a demo of IRIS Native API for Python, which uses Python to call the Object Script method and flow the message in production. Python obtains the message after flow and the message in global, and uses ZPM Package deployment.

Firstly, we need to install the Native API package

Enter on the command line

pip install intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl
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For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.

Expected Output: 01:30:30

Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.

Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?

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I'm excited to let you know that we at George James Software have released some new VS Code training courses. Following the success of our Basics course we have expanded our offering to help InterSystems users looking to move to VS Code improve their knowledge.

Here's what's on offer...
Studio to VS Code Migration - The Basics (2.5 hours)

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