Hey Community,

We have more exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to Generative AI, Vector Search and Machine Learning is starting very soon!

🏆 InterSystems Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest 🏆

Duration: April 22 - May 19, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hello IRIS Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for InterSystems IRIS SQL specialists, and if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. The exam will be available for beta testing on June 9 - 12, 2024 at InterSystems Global Summit 2024, but only for Summit registrants (visit this page to learn more about Certification at GS24). Beta testing will open for all other interested beta testers on June 24, 2024. However, interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing certification@intersystems.com (please let us know if you will be beta testing at Global Summit or in our online proctored environment). The beta testing must be completed by August 2, 2024.

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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 4, 2024
New and Upcoming Embedded Git features

It's been a while since I've posted about Embedded Git on the Developer Community, and I'd like to provide an update on the massive amount of work we've done this year and where we're going next.


If you're building solutions on IRIS and want to use Git, that's great! Just use VSCode with a local git repo and push your changes out to the server - it's that easy.

But what if:

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Hey Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Copilot for Flask FHIR SQL Builder

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Job Title: Software Engineer- IRIS InterSystems

Work Location: Remote


Main Demand is that we need someone with technical familiarity of IRIS, Familiar with Integration, software development, maintenance, designing, configuration and so on. FHIR good to have. Do not go 100% by the Job description, lets have a discussion and get to know whats exact demand is.

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InterSystems announces its fourth preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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The first developer previews of InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health, and HealthShare® Health Connect 2025.1 have been posted to the WRC developer preview site. Containers can be found on our

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Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Unleashing the Power of Machine Learning with InterSystems @ Global Summit 2023

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· Apr 5, 2024
Introducing mg_web

Hot on the heels of our announcement last week about our ultra-high-performance mg-dbx-napi JavaScript interface for IRIS, we are now pleased to announce a significant new technology - mg_web - which not only represents a new paradigm for JavaScript Web Frameworks, but also delivers significantly higher performance than even the fastest of the established Node.js Web Frameworks, whilst leveraging all the benefits of the big-three industry-standard Web Servers.

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· Mar 6, 2024
IRIS Engineer

Below is the job description for your reference

Position: Integration Engineer/SME (US only)

Location: Remote

Contract: 12 months

Job Description:


Looking for IRIS experience must have

Lead the implementation of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standards within the data warehouse, ensuring accuracy and efficient data exchange across the ecosystem of partner APIs

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InterSystems announces General Availability of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2024.3

The 2024.3 release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health, and HealthShare® Health Connect is now Generally Available (GA).

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Hey Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

FHIR Object Model Classes in VS Code

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 17, 2024
IPM 0.9.0 Released

We have released IPM 0.9.0. I previously remarked on some of the history and reasoning here; to summarize, this is a big release for two reasons: it represents a long-overdue reunification of our internal and community-driven work around IRIS-centric ObjectScript package management, and it has some backwards incompatibilities. There are several necessary backwards incompatibilities in our roadmap, and we've lumped them together; this will not be some new norm.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate Your Instance to Apache - Linux Unix

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Note: this was originally posted on June 5, 2024 but presented as being posted on May 9, 2024 so this re-post fixes the date.

Recent updates to the Intersystems Language Server introduce many significant enhancements aimed at improving developer experience and productivity. I'll talk about some of the key ones here, while the complete list, including numerous bug fixes, can be found in the Language Server's CHANGELOG.

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