· 20 hr ago

[Video] Organize Your Code with Namespaces

Hi Community,

What are the advantages of using multiple namespaces for your code? Learn some of the benefits in this discussion with @Derek Robinson, Senior Online Course Developer, and @Scott Clark, Implementation Specialist:

Using Multiple Namespaces
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In this video, you will hear some potential use cases for creating multiple namespaces.

Ready to try it yourself? See how to set up namespaces and databases in the Management Portal in InterSystems IRIS® data platform (video, 2m).

Discussion (1)1
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I appreciated this video as yet another resource for learning. Please do more!

The use case for the namespaces presented here seemed fringe to me.  If you need to simulate an FTP server, why not spin up a small container that does so.  Or are you talking about one HealthShare system to another HealthShare system?  

The common use for namespaces I've seen is separating dev, test, qa and production environments.  

I would personally like to understand better using namespaces to separate code versus data. This setting comes up in installation manifests eg:

<Namespace Name="${NAMESPACE}" Code="${NAMESPACE}" Data="${NAMESPACE}" Create="yes" Ensemble="1">

Thanks for sharing this video!