On one HealthShare servers (RH Linux, 2017.1.1), I am not able to login to Studio for this server. When I select the server connection from the notification tray icon, choosing Remote System Access, Studio, then the server, the error I getting is:

Unable to log on to server {Server Name}

Communication link failure

I've tried using both DNS name and IP address, same result. Using Atelier, I am able to connect to the server using the same DNS name and Web Server Port that I'm trying in Studio.

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· Jan 11, 2018
Routing Rules

Is there a way in the routing rule to compare two fields in two different segments? For example, for the message below we need to compare one Identifier in PID-3 (uiytr5678906^^^^CKS)against another in MRG-1 (uiytr5678A06^^^^CKS). Both will always have the same IdentifierTypeCode (PID-3.5/MRG-1.5), but the ID number can be different. Just to clarify, we only want to compare the CKS IdentifierID, not the entire field or all the identifiers in the MRG-1 or PID-3 field.

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· Oct 10, 2018
WebTerminal : blank screen

I just downloaded and installed the latest WebTerminal into my local copy of Healthshare 2016.2.1

I installed via studio and everything compiled without error.

However when I run it I just see a black screen. The help window at the bottom of the screen pops open when I type '/' but I just can't get any response.

Any suggestions as to how to trouble shoot this?


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We have a PAS that accepts HL7v2 QBP^Q21 requests, and returns patient details in an RSP^K21.

We have a clinical system that wants to sent an http GET request of the form http://server/getpatientbyid?pid=M1234567

So I think I need to convert the query url into a QBP^Q21 (HL7) message, then take the response in HL7v2, convert to SDA, convert to FHIR, and put that in the response to the original GET.

Does anyone have any experience doing this? is there an approach you would recomend?

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I am rather new to ObjectScript and I have a query about assigning values to the context.

In BPL I have a context variable (A08Msg) which is set to type Enslib.HL7.Message, I want to put my inbound HL7 message into this variable so I tried:

  • an Assign to set context.A08Msg to request

This seemed to load the message into the variable because I could read values, e.g. using context.A08Msg.{PD1:3(1).1} , but I was unable to write to context.A08Msg.

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Hi guys, I'm helping one of our customer to use unattended install to standardize their deployment. I'm using Unattended Installation and Installation Manifest.

Although I can use the combination to install HealthConnect and then create namespaces and DBs as they need, there are still several tasks that I did not find the solution yet. As following:

1. Configure mirrors

2. Set the directory to store journals

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Is there any good documentation/tutorials on creating gateways in both directions between FHIR and Hl7v2 (for Health Connect)?

the scenarios I'm most interested in

1. Client application sends a FHIR demographic query to Health Connect - and the interface has to convert this to Hl7v2 QBP^Q11 message to the PAS.

2. Health connect sends a PDF document (from a file or HL7v2 interface) to an EPR over FHIR.




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1 1.1K

I looking to gain insight on if I can trigger a SMS text to a Clinician

New to HealthShare and trying to get the process for setting up a message.

Simple use case

Alert a Clinician if a patient meets specific requirements via an SMS text message.

I have set up a test physician in our dev environment, and enabled push notification on the Edges fro the MPI update manager.

Based off of the HEPUSH documentation.

Any direction to documentation or steps is greatly appreciated.


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I have a routing rule that calls some utility classmethods, but for some reason the compiled version insists on linking to a utility function in a different package.

The call to 'SendToEaling(HL7)' in isn't compiling to a call to the LNWTIEPackage as expected:


but is instead becoming a call to the LNWDeploy package

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1 376

I work for a large NHS Trust in the UK and we are using Healthshare and we process 1000s of messages each day. Many of these are standard HL7 messages however for several months now we also pickup and drop off 1000s of PDF files.

We have our message purge set to 365 as we have to keep a years worth of messages as we have a retrieval and send process that enables us to replay any set of messages to any destination which we use to prepopulate end systems with activity and result history.

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0 711

I reached out to Gary Monger yesterday and asked him how he configured Apache for his SMART on FHIR demo?
See https://learning.intersystems.com/mod/page/view.php?id=2948.
Gary's response was for me to post my question on the Developer Community forum - so that other people can benefit from the answer.

This is what I asked Gary:

I'm after turning a local Health Share instance on my laptop into a SMART on FHIR server.

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0 636
· Oct 12, 2018
Healthshare/Ensemble Learning


I'm wondering what the path is to learning healthshare & ensemble? I've looked on the learning page and its minimally helpful. I've found that as a long time mumps programmer that new jobs are requiring this. I've just been using mumps to assist with epic emr. Everything I'm seeing is either VistA or Healthshare. Does someone know where do I go to learn these apps? Seems like a catch 22. You need to know these prior to getting a job but you can't get a job where you can learn them. Frustrating.

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0 530

I am currently using InterSystems for patients data management related to intake treatment planning and delivery of dose.

should I create a new attribute to track Patient ID or using an existing attribute within Audit log ? what are the good practices guidelines?

If I use Event Data field to record Patient_ID is it possible out of the box to search entries for a specific Patient_ID ?

0 3
0 376


Does HealthShare include functionality to inspect packets to and from the system?

If not, what tools do you use to do this when debugging interface issues?

A colleague suggested 'Wireshark', but I've not used it.

Kind regards,


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0 390
· Aug 10, 2018
using Microsoft diskspd


Has anyone got any experience of using the Microsoft diskspd utility to test the storage infrastructure in Healthshare/Ensemble environment.

I am interested in getting some figures to highlight any issues with different approaches to provisioning the disks on our new environment.

I am at a loss as to what parameters I should use to give a reasonable synthetic load that will give me any indication of potential issues. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


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0 315
· Oct 25, 2018
HealthShare Parameters Weights

Hi everyone! My name is Bruno Soares and I work with HealthShare. I have one question and would be very grateful if someone help me. Can somebody tell me where HealthShare parameters weight came from? Thank you all.

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· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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0 438

I have a class thus:-

Class RMH.ClinDoc.Response.GetEPRDisplayResponse Extends Ens.Response [ProcedureBlock]


Property GetEPRDisplayResult As %XML.String;


The property GetEPRDisplayResult contains html content.

When I write out the property in a terminal, all the html special character content is encoded e.g. '<' is &lt; '>' is &gt ; etc....

I want to display this html in a browser and have it render as normal.

So my question is how to I store html content in a cache object such that it renders correctly in a browser?

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