Good morning
Thank you for taking the time to read this issue.

In interoperability environments, in what way is it recommended to monitor and detect changes in Web Production components between environments, for example between Pre-Production and Production, or even between alternate Nodes of Production Mirrors?

We ask this question in order to find out what are the best practices, and what is the most methodical, systematic, simple, robust and secure way to perform this monitoring.

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First of all: thanks for your help, and thank you for your time.

Thanks for your time.

We have the following situation:

We are in a BPL, and we have defined 4 <call> asynchronous as follows:

First one name: "Enviar a Proceso NEGRIN"

The second one, named as: "Enviar a Proceso HUNSC"

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· Oct 29, 2022
Healthshare on kubernetes


I'm thinking to deploy healthshare using kubernetes. Has any one done this before? How will the TCP listeners in healthshare work with kubernetes? Will they automatically create a service endpoint so that I can route traffic?

Please advise me on how to think about this.


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In article

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\rochesterd\PythonScripts\fhir_stuff\fhir-client-python-main\fhir-client-python-main\src\", line 57, in <module>
patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'serialize'

0 8
0 257

Hello everyone! This is my first post into the developer community and one that I hope is fairly simple to answer. In our environment we currently have 3 different Test environments for testing before migrating code to our Prod environment. Currently we are working on establishing a source control method using Git in house which has been a bit of a struggle. We have also had developers that had used different test and migration methods in the past which has caused some issues with keeping the different test environment in sync.

0 7
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· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

0 7
0 358

Hi Guys

How do get the item name of a class? I have several items derived from the same class, and for error reporting I want to get the name of the item which created it, rather than the class it is derived from from.

e.g. InPhase.LEGACY.GetUpdateNotification, InPhase.LFPSE.GetUpdateNotification and InPhase.ADHOC.GetUpdateNotification are all derived from the same class InPhase.Services.LoadInPhaseUpdates

0 6
0 177

Good morning,

I was wondering:

Given the following scenario where we have a string where each two items are being splitted by "|" as follows: "squadName|initialLetter"


And we would need to generate a String structure like:

0 4
0 311

Since .Net has a unified package manager system ( why doesn't Intersystems create and add a nuget package (.nupkg) containing the InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.dll file.

This would make it easier for external .net developers to obtain the package for creating tools and/or applications that utilize Iris/Iris4Health

Can Intersystems create a nuget package?

1 3
0 77

I'm wondering how I would go about adding headers to a csv file which has already been created. I am unfamiliar with ObjectScript.

For example if I were to use R, I would simply write..

test <- read.csv("file/path/example/Extract.csv", header=FALSE)
colnames(test) <- c("A","B","C","D","E")

I do not have embedded Python installed either as I would know how to do it in that also.

How could I mirror this in ObjectScript please?

My current create file method:

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0 276

Hello! I just had a quick question for anyone out there with more experience on deploying Ensemble productions.

I'm currently trying to export my Ensemble production WITH the Business Partners so I don't have to rebuild or add to that table after I import my Ensemble Production. I know that this is a small thing and doesn't actually affect anything in the production in terms of performance, but I like to have it for better documentation.

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0 187

I am trying to work with the FHIR Object Model where I convert an incoming HL7v2 to SDA then FHIR. From here I would like to be able to process the FHIR Object by deserializing it to a Bundle object using the following code my problem is I keep on getting an error which is not explaining much about what is wrong with what I am doing any help will be appreciated thanks.

0 3
0 222

First of all thanks for your help.

We have developed a REST Operation. We wonder how could we face that String do have a character limit.

We just need to convert httpRequest.HttpResponse , which is a stream , because $isobject(response.Data) returns 1; which has a JSON inside it, and we need to convert it to a Ens.Response.

This response is structured as same as the JSON's properties:

0 3
0 521


I will try to explain my problem. I have a Main ZenPage on one server that has 2 buttons: each button will launch a different ZenPage on a separate server in an iFrame. All 3 servers have the same user.

Currently, the user logs in to the Main ZenPage, but when they click either button to launch the other ZenPage on the separate server they get the login screen again to login to that server.

Is there anyway I can pass the credentials from the Main ZenPage to the child ZenPages, so that the user doesn't have to login again? Thanks.

0 3
0 91

I have a scenario where I send a GET request to a broker and receive a FHIR response. When I attempted to use the built-in InterSystems functions to convert this FHIR response into SDA, the transformation failed—likely because it is not a standard FHIR request.

How should I handle this situation? Is there a recommended approach to processing FHIR responses in this context?

0 3
0 32

What I can do:
Get a subset of HL7 messages.
Send the messages to a RecordMap (with key fields from the HL7 message).
Save each message to a file.

How can I send all messages until a set time (e.g. 9am each day) to single file?

In the period 09:00 1 Jan 2022 to 09:00 2 Jan 2022 there are say 50 messages to save to file: File001.txt
In the period 09:00 2 Jan 2022 to 09:00 3 Jan 2022 there are say 40 messages to save to file: File002.txt

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