· Feb 27, 2018

Saving HL7 messages to a csv file

Is it possible to save HL7 messages to a csv file?  Record Mapper appears to allow a service to import a csv and convert to HL7, but can you reverse that and save to a csv?

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The layout is identical, the CSV file will have a record with more or less lines referring to one patient/order depending of how many OBX segments we have in the message (report). OK.. I will try the BPL/DTL to split each line OBX and send it to the CSV file.
Output .csv file:
Order 123|Patient 1| line 1 report OBX...
Order 123|Patient 1| line 2 report OBX
Order 123|Patient 1| line n report OBX
Order 235|Patient 1| line 1 report OBX
Order 235|Patient 1| line n report OBX
Order 199|Patient 2| line 1 report OBX
Order 199|Patient 2| line n report OBX
