· Oct 25, 2018

HealthShare Parameters Weights

Hi everyone! My name is Bruno Soares and I work with HealthShare. I have one question and would be very grateful if someone help me. Can somebody tell me where HealthShare parameters weight came from? Thank you all. 

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Hi Bruno,

What we found in the UK, is that we have, over time and after having implemented a few HealthShare Patient Index projects, diverged a little from the out-of-the-box defaults for the weightings.

The original weightings are a starting point, that may or may not prove appropriate for your local demographic profiles and different national and local identifiers.

They are there for you to change as appropriate, as  the data you are seeing dictates.

That is where the tuning process comes in, and is meant for that purpose.

Hope this helps,

Pat McGibbon (InterSystems UK)