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Member since Sep 30, 2021

Hi Guillaume,

I've got the HEALTHTOOLKIT production running Guillaume - and its working great (thanks)
Could you please give me some advice on how to get the production to transform SDA to DSTU2?

I found this code:

/// FHIRMetadataSets returns a list where each display row is a FHIR metadata set Key,
/// plus " / ", plus FHIR metadata set Description.
ClassMethod FHIRMetadataSets(Output pCaption As %String, Output pTopResults, Output pResults, ByRef pParms As %String, pSearchKey As %String = "") As %Status
    Set tSC = $$$OK
    // This method returns the core FHIR package for each version that can be transformed to/from SDA.
    Set pResults(1) = "HL7v40 / FHIR R4 Core Specification"
    Set pResults(2) = "HL7v30 / FHIR STU3 Core Specification"
    Quit tSC

But, I have no idea what the FHIR package is for DSTU2 - and whether or not this is the class that needs changing?

Many Thanks,
-- Paul.

Hi Guillaume,

I'm really interested in getting this working
I managed to install your production inside docker

However, I'm getting this error:

  "errors": [
      "code": 5002,
      "domain": "%ObjectErrors",
      "error": "ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zhl7+10^HealthToolKit.REST.HL7.1 *QuickStreamId,Ens.StreamContainer",
      "id": "ObjectScriptError",
      "params": [
        "<PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zhl7+10^HealthToolKit.REST.HL7.1 *QuickStreamId,Ens.StreamContainer"
  "summary": "ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zhl7+10^HealthToolKit.REST.HL7.1 *QuickStreamId,Ens.StreamContainer"

I'm posting your swagger example into your IRIS production (REST interface):

PID|1||200000001^^^HEALTHSHARE^MR||CARTER^JANE||19381001|F||W|1 Memorial Drive^^CAMBRIDGE^MA^02142||617-225-3133|||M||||
DG1|2|9|250.4^Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with renal comp^I9||20100309|F||||||||28||FARRELL^FARRELL^SAM^^^^MD^^HEALTHSHARE|||
IN1|1|PHP||ACME HEALTH PLAN|PO Box 22222^^Boston^MA^102142||(617)641-3500|||||||||CARTER^JANE|S|||||||||||||||||||XXXX00211|

Also, noticed these errors during installation:

Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/SDA3/vR4/LabOrder/DiagnosticReport.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.LabOrder.DiagnosticReport.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.LabOrder.DiagnosticReport' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'
Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/SDA3/vR4/OtherOrder/DiagnosticReport.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.OtherOrder.DiagnosticReport.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.OtherOrder.DiagnosticReport' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'
Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/SDA3/vR4/RadOrder/DiagnosticReport.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.RadOrder.DiagnosticReport.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.RadOrder.DiagnosticReport' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'
Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/Util/HC/SDA3/HC/FHIR/SDA3/Process.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.FHIR.SDA3.Process.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.FHIR.SDA3.Process' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'
Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/SDA3/vR4/Vaccination/Immunization.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.Vaccination.Immunization.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.SDA3.vR4.Vaccination.Immunization' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'
Loading file /opt/irisapp/src/HealthToolKit/HS/FHIR/DTL/Util/HC/SDA3/HC/SDA3/FHIR/Process.cls as udl
ERROR #16008: Unable to load text for 'HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.SDA3.FHIR.Process.cls'
  > ERROR #16000: Line:0 Offset:0 Error 'ERROR #5883: Item 'HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.SDA3.FHIR.Process' is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on.'

I've also attached the entire output that's generated suring the install

How do I access the management portal (what port is it listening on?)
If I wanted to take a look at the code in Studio - what's the _system password?
What version of IRIS do I need to get this running locally on my laptop?

All really good stuff!

Many Thanks,
-- Paul.

Its crashing in both these version.  Many Thanks.  Paul.

Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:23:15 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:16.0.7253 + Linkage Engine:16.0.7253 + Patient Index:16.0.7253 + Provider Directory:15.0.7253 + Clinical Viewer:16.0.7253 + Active Analytics:16.0.7253]

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:16.0.7241 + Linkage Engine:16.0.7241 + Patient Index:16.0.7241 + Provider Directory:15.0.7241 + Clinical Viewer:16.0.7241 + Active Analytics:16.0.7241]

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