Hello developers, I'm a newbie to Intersystems technologies and I started to work with Caché and Ensemble, and to be more specific I'm working with systems integration. In a scenario where I need to develop new software from scratch, would it be better to develop this new software using REST APIs? Does anyone have any recommendations about courses?

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or "So you just got yelled at by your boss, for sending him an unformatted Hello World webpage"

Our previous lesson ended with us serving a Message value obtained from a Caché REST service to the client, using Angular as a runtime. While there is a lot of moving parts involved in this process, the page is not especially exciting at the moment. Before we can start adding new features, we should take a step back and review our tools.

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1 2.5K

Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to convert source hl7 message to target json message using dtl.

Currently I have created persistent cls for json and completed the dtl.

DTL giving output as json equivalent xml.

Now how to convert DTL result xml object to json?

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0 522

I am trying to connect to an external SFTP. They have our public key and I have the private key which is password protected. I have the credentials set to the sftp username and the password to the private key.

If I set the private key only, I get a username/password error connecting. If I set both the public and private key files, I get the error below:

ERROR #7510: SSH Error '-19': SSH Error [80101013]: Callback returned error [80101013] at Session.cpp:418,0

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0 3.7K
· Dec 20, 2021 1m read
Holiday Reading: What Lies Beneath!

For those of you who might be new to IRIS, and even those who have used Cache or IRIS for some time but want to explore beyond its usually-assumed boundaries and practices, you might want to dive into this detailed exploration of the database engine that is at its heart, and discover just what you can really do with it, going way beyond what InterSystems have done with it for you.

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4 462

The "Download Caché Evaluation" at the top of this forum takes the user to a page that only allows her to download versions of IRIS. What am I missing here? Does IRIS encompass Caché? I've wandered around both on the main website and in the Developer Community site looking for a way to only get Caché... Very frustrating.

I appreciate any help you all can provide. Thanks!

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0 2.3K
· Jan 3, 2022
JSON - NULL Properties

So I've been reviewing a lot of questions posted in the InterSystems community regarding NULL properties in JSON. I've also been reviewing the JSON documentation. None of these things have been able to help me so far.

1. We don't seem to have the %JSON.Adaptor class available for us to use in our system.

2. I'm not really confident enough to create JSON Type classes or backporting code, etc.

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I want to store a mailbox in Caché, persistently.

Does anyone have some code for downloading all messages from mailbox into Caché? And maybe automatic syncing after download? I know, there is %Net.POP3 but maybe someone has already done that.

Thank you.

1 12
0 1.3K

We have an interface that need to be disabled then re-enabled when it starts to queue up. I wrote the following code to do this functionality in a process. This works in our development domain, but in production it says it fails to disable the job - it only shuts down the interface without updating the production/starting the interface back up. Error message: "Failed to stop job '36831290' within 60 seconds. Status '<unknown>"

Is there something wrong with how I'm trying to do this?

set tSC = ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem(itemname,0,0)

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0 345

I want to make the LOCATION for a %Stream.FileCharacterGzip property we have in a class parameterisable (as in stored in a global), so it can be different for different customers. Is that possible? I've tried doing it a few different ways:
Creating a parameter
Parameter STREAMLOC = {^websystem("auditstream-location")};
then I tried to reference that in the

Property HTMLZIPDoc As %Stream.FileCharacterGzip(LOCATION = ..#STREAMLOC);

but the compiler doesn't like that.

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· Dec 9, 2021 2m read

Millions of professionals use a wonderful tool, spreadsheets, for engineering calculations and financial analysis. It attracts a user-friendly interface and clear data organization. Cell formulas provide rich opportunities for automating calculations. No programming is required.

5 2
0 500

Hi everyone

I see that a new Apache bug has been discovered, and since various InterSystems products use an Apache webserver, have Intersystems released any news or updates on this? I'm not seeing any updates, press releases from them. Anyone know anything?


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Hi members,

I have these data :

and need to exploit the first character of cot field (Library CDU classification) like this :

I get this result... it's approximatively what I want... but I need it in just one line !

With mySQL I get it with just GROUP BY rcddate

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