
I need support for my case!!
I have 18 GB health care cache Database i face delay with filter and transmit data around 20 - 45 Minutes, I need solution to fixed my issue.

I did Rebuild indexes & Tune Table .


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Hi Community!

We want to invite you to join the InterSystems Gamification Platform called Global Masters Advocate Hub!

The Global Masters Advocacy Hub is our customer engagement platform where you will be invited to have some fun completing entertaining challenges, earning badges for the contribution to Developer Community, communicating with other advocates, and accumulating points which you can redeem for a variety of rewards and special honors.

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· Jun 9, 2017
Emergency Access

What is the purpose to use Emergency Access Mode in Cache? How to establishes a Connection without performing authentication?

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· Aug 9, 2017
SSL_connect() error

I am trying to send an HTTP request and getting "SSL/TLS error return from SSL_connect()." error (Cache 2013). No modification in SSL/TLS Configuration helped. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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Does anyone have experience using SCCM or any other enterprise application management tool to deploy updates to a thick client (internally developed standalone app) across the enterprise? I have a client that is attempting to get this working for their customer and running into some trouble. If you have any knowledge or experience you can share it would be greatly appreciated.

I have read some MS Technet pages that appear to indicate this is possible

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We have a program set up in the HealthShare Facility Registry. And we have some patients enrolled into this program. In the HealthShare Registry management, we set up following consent policy for this facility (we call it program), Default Block Except: Block data except for the groups specified below, unless overridden by patient. There is no program in the Selected Programs so the consent should be applied to everybody.

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· Nov 17, 2017
Token Generate Method

Hi community ,

i develop my LogUser Method on my rest API , the scenario is as follow :

when user enter his login & password , i check first in my table if he exists (this stape is done), now i want know how generate acces token from authorization server , i've as idea to call the "%OAuth2.Server.Generate" which is implemented on the configuration party (we find the correspondint attached screenshot ), but i don't know if i'm sure , we find here the developped method:

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0 633

I've written several custom classes to add additional search capabilities to the user / clinician search defined in HS.UI.Registry.User.Find. I've tested it out, and it looks and works how I'd like it to, but I've run into a snag when trying to implement it.

The documentation for registering custom user interface pages shows a table of about 50 configuration registry keys for UI pages, but it only lists:

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0 439

I am looking for experience of people running Veeam with Caché databases.

Tips/Tricks/General questions like; what Veeam features are you using, what your backup cycle looks like, where does your data end up, what recovery/integrity checks you do, what sort of compression/dedupe you get.

Also what questions _you_ have and what problems you might be trying to solve.

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or "So you just got yelled at by your boss, for sending him an unformatted Hello World webpage"

Our previous lesson ended with us serving a Message value obtained from a Caché REST service to the client, using Angular as a runtime. While there is a lot of moving parts involved in this process, the page is not especially exciting at the moment. Before we can start adding new features, we should take a step back and review our tools.

12 1
1 2.5K

There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.

How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed here, do those include using single digits for month and day ?

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So, one day you're working away at WidgetsDirect, the leading supplier of widget and widget accessories, when your boss asks you to develop the new customer facing portal to allow the client base to access the next generation of Widgets..... and he wants you to use Angular 1.x to read into the department's Caché server.

There's only one problem: You've never used Angular, and don't know how to make it talk to Caché.

This guide is going to walk through the process of setting up a full Angular stack which communicates with a Caché backend using JSON over REST.

19 11
5 6.7K

I am calling a business rule from one of my business processes and I noticed that when the business rule reports an error that the business process calling that rule just stops without any errors. Resultingly it fails to trigger the scope - catch-all construction that is surrounding the business rule. I know that it is possible to view the errors in business rules in the business rules log, but I really like to push an error message to Ens.Alert or something similar when my business rules report an error. How do I achieve that?

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· May 16, 2017 3m read
The COS Faker

Hi Community,

This post is to introduce one of my first project in COS, I created when started to learn the language and until today I'm keeping improve it.

The CosFaker(here on Github) is a pure COS library for generating fake data.

cosFaker vs Populate Utils

So why use cosFaker if caché has the populate data utility?

10 8
2 964
· Jan 19, 2017
Caché WebTerminal v4 Release

Greetings, InterSystems community!

I am pleased to announce that the web terminal project, Caché WebTerminal version 4 gets its release! After long period of enhancing this web application from 2013, it came to the version 4, which features major stability and security improvements, intelligent autocomplete and syntax highlighting, convenient SQL mode and a lot of other useful features.

The goal of this article is to spread the knowledge about this project over the InterSystems community.

16 34
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Some key points are emphasized in this article in order to save your time to get linux ldap client in cache working with windows AD (active directory) LDAP server.
The first thing to do is to get successful TLS connection to windows AD.
Raw tcp case is beyond of this article, there is no problem with it, it is trivial.
Windows ldap server uses port 636 for tls and this port can be used to get ldap certificate.
As we will see later there is reason for this.
linux ldap client uses STARTTLS special ldap extension to switch plain tcp to TLS only.

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I have a REST client that calls a REST service and as a response gets a stream containing a JSON structure. The service is placing some weird non-printable characters into some places in the JSON document that is throwing off parsing of a down-stream XML document.

What I would like to do is just remove the non-printable characters from the response stream that comes back from my call to the REST service.

Does anyone have a handy utility or method for removing all non-printable characters from a character stream?

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In my previous article, we reviewed possible use-cases for macros, so let’s now proceed to a more comprehensive example of macros usability. In this article we will design and build a logging system.

Logging system

Logging system is a useful tool for monitoring the work of an application that saves a lot of time during debugging and monitoring. Our system would consist of two parts:

  • Storage class (for log records)
  • Set of macros that automatically add a new record to the log

16 6
10 3K

I have 2 instances of Cache, one of 2010 and the other 2016. On both I have created a SSL Configuration with same name.

When I connect to a SOAP Service Client from Cache 2010, I get the above error.

If I connect from Cache 2016, the connection get through.

How can get more details of the error in the Cache 2010 instance to be able to fix this issue.

I have enabled the SOAP Log and it does not give much of details.



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