· May 25, 2018
Atelier 1.2 has landed!

Just now when I started up my Eclipse I was offered an Atelier update. After waiting for so long, how could I possibly refuse? Wish me luck! laugh

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I want to convert a json, which passed on in the a REST call, into a request message.

I use method %ConvertJSONToObject of the %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider class.

Set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(%request.Content, "TestRequest", .request)

Is there an alternative for this? I want to avoid to use the %ZEN library.

Best Regards

Roger de Coninck

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Let's say I have this simple script file try.script

write 1
write 0

I can execute it in a terminal (csession) by calling:

csession cache < try.script

And I get the following output:


However I want to use a try catch block in my script:

try {
write 1/0
catch {}

But as script is executed line by line, it's interpreted like this:

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· Sep 14, 2018
REST POST 405 error

I'm testing out the new %CSP.REST way of creating an api and having a problem with a POST getting a 405 error.

I get data returned when I do a GET, so I don't think it's a configuration issue or a class issue.

I have no problem with %CSP.Page when creating a REST type method. So what am I missing?

Can someone give me some advice?

Thank you.

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0 443

Hi, I want to create a service which on start will simply go through a list of values in a global and compare dates. If criteria is met, it will send an email.

But what kind of Adapter do I use? I see SQL, FILE, HTTP etc..etc.. But I dont want to use them

Please can you advice on how I should go about this?

Should I create a BS. Class and do onAdapterTASK() and simply build a method? Even then it is asking the kind of adapter I want

Would appreciate some guidance on this



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· Jun 21, 2018

Hello everyone

I have a problem with $ ZF (-1)

I need to delete file from windows folder example c: \ sys \ text.txt, when executing the w $ zf (-1, "c: \ sys \ text.txt") command, the file does not delete.
There is some other cache command that performs this task.



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· Nov 16, 2018
Detecting Source Code Change?

Is there a responsive way to detect a source code change without using a source control hook?


I have my own custom unit test tool which has lots of extra functions that I find useful such as Asserting HL7 Transformers and REST targets.

I have a studio hook that will send an event signal to my test runner that will automatically re-run a specific test class or test suite, for which I have a test runner viewing page that updates with the results.

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· Feb 15, 2018
Retrieving REST Data

I'm sending data via ajax to my REST service, and while retrieving any information sent in the url parameter is easy when they're defined in the route, I can't get anything if I store information in the data parameter. For example:

               url: "ServerURL",
               data: { "some": "json" } //How do I get this information?


I've looked at many common solutions such as here:

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We have started playing around with Atelier, primarily to enable us to commit our existing Ensemble code within source control (GIT).

It seems Atelier works well with classes and routines however is unable to directly export lookup tables and HL7 schemas. Can someone confirm/validate this is the case? if so, when will this functionality be made available as it's absence is a deal breaker for us?

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I have a serial object:

Class EmbedObj Extends %SerialObject

which is stored as a property of another object

Class ContainerObj Extends %Persistent

Property InnerObj As EmbedObj;

Property Foobar As %String;


From within the context of an instance of EmbedObj, how can I navigate to the containing instance of "ContainterObj" and find that value of its Foobar property?

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· Jan 19, 2018
Gitlab hooks for Studio


I am in the process of trying to implement version control software with studio. Has anyone got any recommendations (either Linux based/windows based) as a place to start I have installed Gitlab and I wanted to know whether anyone has come across any obstacles using this.

I was also wondering whether anyone has developed any hooks for Gitlab that works well with Studio as I would prefer if there was a more integrated solution with studio? Any help with this would be great.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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We are running old VB code on a Windows 2012 R2 server.

In the last month the following error has been happening.

Failure to create CacheObjectConnection.
Failure in GetClassInfo for CacheObjectConnection

Factory not connected to server
Send to Cache' failed

Neither the the code or Cache instance has not changed.

Cache 2017.

The code:

Dim bRtn As Boolean
Dim objCacheObject As Object
cntr = 1

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· Nov 19, 2018
Copy csv data into a global object

Hi, I have a CSV file with a list of 5000 records in the following format

Name, Acc, division

Eric, 1234, 567

John, 1235, 987

Peter, 3214, 879

I just want to copy the Acc, division to a global so eventually the global would be like the following:

^People("Customers", "Acc.division")

Can you advice on how I can perform this from the terminal? This is a one time task. I want to read all the values from the csv file and insert them into the global



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