
I would like to schedule the Database Compact and Freespace methods as legacy tasks.

Has anyone implemented this yet?
Is this even possible?

The request for this is due to the fact that we have 3 interfaces in a namespace whose messages are deleted after 7 days. All other messages in this namespace should be kept for one year.
This leads to a certain fragmentation. Furthermore, the messages to be deleted are relatively large (MDM^T02 > 32MB), which in turn leads to a fast growth of the database size.

How would you solve this problem?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,943 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I was able to define ECP connection in Installer class that I run when I build docker image for my Docker IRIS application. Now I start to use Amazon ECS and Autoscaling. When a new instance is created and it runs the IRIS container, I want it to "register" as an Application server on the remote database server. What code can I execute to add an ip address as an Application Server?

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0 374

Hi All

I am writing a class to take a general HL7 replace the non ASCII characters in all the segments to construct another message. I have the following solution working to an extent however it is inserting \r at the end of the segments that have been transformed. Firstly is this the correct approach and secondly how do I get rid of \r at the end of the segment that is affected?

Thank you for your help.

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0 781

I have a list of 300 code combinations in the following format, which I plan to load into a global

X123, Internal health

X234, external health

X345, Peripheral health etc..

I want to get the code from the DG1 segment, compare to the global, and add a description. Is there an easy way to do it?

So in my DG1 segment If I get the code X123, what I want to do is check if the code is in the global and if it does add the description in the field.

So DG1 will look like this:

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0 201

Keywords: IRIS, IntegratedML, Machine Learning, Covid-19, Kaggle


Recently I noticed a Kaggle dataset for the prediction of whether a Covid-19 patient will be admitted to ICU. It is a spreadsheet of 1925 encounter records of 231 columns of vital signs and observations, with the last column of "ICU" being 1 for Yes or 0 for No. The task is to predict whether a patient will be admitted to ICU based on known data.

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1 769

Hey Developers!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Contest!

So, it's time to give your vote to the best FHIR solutions built with InterSystems IRIS for Health.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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The fhir-react project is a React UI framework based on Google Material Design, which covers almost all FHIR resources for versions DSTU2, STU3 and R4.

It design it's really friendly - there's just one component! As FHIR resource types are standards, the framework resolves internally what rendering class must be used.

To display your FHIR resource just write this component:

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1 2.1K

Hello Developer Community!

We are looking to better understand how our users configure and manage our products. If you have a few minutes, please fill out this quick survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N2JX3TQ

If you're willing to participate in an in-depth interview about your experiences, you might be eligible for a $100 gift card! Indicate in the survey that you'd like to talk to us and we will be in touch the second week in September!

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0 196

I am able to get a service class property DISPLAYLIST into the SETTINGS PARAMETER using the below example from the documention but I am not able to get an adapter property in the same manner. Is there a way to obtain the DISPLAYLIST values from an adapter property into the SETTINGS Parameter?

for reference I am extending the adapter: EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPInboundAdapter

Example from documentation:

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1 334

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the FHIR programming contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • FHIR Server REST API usage
  • The usage of SQL Schema of FHIR Resources
  • Healthcare standards data transformation
  • Docker container usage

See the details below.

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· Feb 23, 2019
FileSpec wildcard question

For the FIleSpec on a file service can you use a multiple wildcard values like *CLINICALENCOUNTER*.xml?

It seems like you are restricted to a single wildcard value.

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Nowadays, there is a lot of applications that are using Open Authorization framework (OAuth) to access resources from all kinds of services in a secure, reliable and efficient manner. InterSystems IRIS is already compatible with OAuth 2.0 framework, in fact, there is a great article in the community regarding OAuth 2.0 and InterSystems IRIS in the following link here.

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0 1.3K

Whats NLP Stands For?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing which is a field of Artificial Intelligence with a lot of complexity and
techniques to in short words "understand what are you talking about".

And FHIR is...???

FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources and is a standard to data structures for healthcare. There are
some good articles here explainig better how FHIR interact with Intersystems IRIS.

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