InterSystems IRIS latest release (v2020.1) makes it even easier for you to build high performance, machine learning-enabled applications to streamline your digital transformation initiatives.

Join this webinar to learn about what's new in InterSystems IRIS 2020.1, including:

  • Machine learning and analytics
  • Integration and healthcare interoperability enhancements
  • Ease of use for developers
  • Even higher performance
  • And more...

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,762 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I am working on the new USCDI Requirement to store LOINC Codes/Descriptions for various types of Clinical Notes in the SDA.

According to all of the documentation I had been able to find, in order to store a coded value for Document Type, I have to use Custom Pairs:

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InterSystems announces its seventh preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2023.2 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health.

Discontinuation of the Private Web Server (PWS)

A major topic in this release is the discontinuation of the Private Web Server (PWS) from the installers. This feature has been announced since last year and it's removed from InterSystems installers, starting with this developer preview.

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I am getting this with %RCHANGE:


This routine changes all occurrences of a string in
routines/include files.

1. Change every: Cache to: IRIS
2. Change every:

Routine(s): %*

Then I get these types of messages:

This routine is mapped to another database, are you sure you want to change it??


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In this article, we will explore the use of parameters, formulas and labels in Logi Report Designer (formerly Logi JReport Designer). What are they for and how to create them?

Using the basic functionality of InterSystems Reports Designer, parameters, formulas and labels, you can significantly improve the detail and information content of the generated report. In addition, these tools allow you to automate some of the processes, which greatly speeds up and facilitates the creation of reports.

Let's analyze each tool separately now.

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Hi Developers!

Thank you for using ZPM Package Manager and contributing more and more useful packages to the public registry!

But as you already aware ZPM packages are always deployed with source code.

Do you think we need to add the option to deploy without source code - e.g. if you want to deploy a commercial package?

Will you develop commercial modules if there will be an option and deploy it with ZPM?

How do you deploy commercial applications today?

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Summary: Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the enterprise interface environment. This includes the implementation, configuration, coordination, maintenance, troubleshooting, security, monitoring, and support documentation of interfaces between various hospital applications. Integrations can include HL7, batch, custom scripts, etc. as required. Incumbent must ensure the interface environment maintains the highest reliability and performance along with keeping the environment on the cutting edge of current technologies.

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I have the following servers in IRIS mirror set:
Arbiter; isc_agent only
LIVETC01; IRIS DB full install; Primary
LIVETC02; IRIS DB full install; Backup

A couple of days ago IRIS hung.
The application using LIVETC01 DB stopped functioning.

I'm trying to find out the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

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Good day, developers!

The "apptools-admin" project is not only a set of tools for the administrator, but a platform for the rapid creation of a prototype of any solution.
For example, Photo Album, Music Player, and Personal Library all come together in a user-friendly treasure chest design.

Load http:// your-host:your-port/apptoolsrest/a/infochest

Change the path to your treasure files and start viewing, listening or reading from any convenient device: desktop, tablet or smartphone.

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I got a problem to resolve, to sum it up I need to extract a function body from a JS file with cos.
I already got the JS code in a string and the function name but I'm kinda stuck as to how to get my function body, I already tried a few things (regEx, counter bracket) but there are comment and strings that block them from functioning. Is there a javascript parser or a good way to do it except by creating a javascript parser?

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I have a file passthrough service that should check for new new files every 10 minutes, process them and then wait again for 10 minutes, even if there are new files waiting in the source directory. The "CallInterval" value feels like a wrong tool for this need since it would keep the service "locked" for a maximun of 10 minutes before releasin resources. Is there a better way than CallInterval to schedule the service to poll for files every 10 minutes?

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· May 30, 2018
Change property heading

Release 2017.2.

I have created a class that extends Ens.BusinessOperation, and in my class I have defined a custom property. How can I change the property's heading that is displayed on the Management Portal Settings tab?

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming kick-off webinar for the Grand Prix Contest 2023!

During this webinar, we will describe how you can win up to $10,000 in prizes! We'll talk about the topics we expect from participants and show you how to develop, build and deploy applications on InterSystems IRIS data platform. Let us remind you, this contest allows you to use any element of our data platform - IntegratedML, FHIR SQL Builder, Embedded Python, Interoperability, etc - in your project.

Date & Time: Monday, June 12 – 12 pm EST | 6 PM CEST
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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge of today has nothing to do with real two-factor authentication ! (sorry if you came to this article by searching the real thing)

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems IRIS AI contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

IntegratedML usage - 4 points

Use InterSystems IntegratedML in you AI/ML solution. Here is the template that uses it.

Be sure that the IRIS version is not less than 2021. The latest ML images with ZPM are:


R Gateway and Python gateway usage - 4 points

InterSystems IRIS 2021 release contains two new features - R gateway and Python gateway. Here is the template on how to use the R gateway. Here is a short demo of how to use it.

Embedded Python usage - 4 points

Embedded Python is a very new feature of InterSystems IRIS that gives you the option to use python as a "first-class citizen" in backend business logic development with InterSystems classes. Short demo of Embedded Python.

Embedded python could be used in "on-demand" images that could be delivered via InterSystems Early Access Program (EAP) if you refer to

Here is the template package on how to use Embedded Python deployable with ZPM. Don't forget to change the image to the one you get from the Early Access program.

PMML usage - 4 points

PMML - Predictive Modelling Markup Language - can be used to build AI/ML solutions with InterSystems IRIS. Check with documentation.

There is an example in Open Exchange on how to use PMML.

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· Nov 1, 2021
Cloudflare and CSP


Has anyone experienced any issues when using Cloudflare in front of a csp application?

I keep getting 502 errors when Cloudflare is active?

Strangely, the SMP works but only if I remove the trailing question mark from the url but it doesn't resolve the issue when I try any other csp application URL's.

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