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· Oct 18, 2018
$match or "?"

Hello all...

Is there two matching patterns in Caché, is there a difference in use one or the other?

USER>set a = "(1234)"

Using $match.

USER>w $match(a,"\([0-9]{4}\)")


Using literal match (sorry if not correctly term expression)

USER>W a?1"("4n1")"


What is different from using one or the other?

The 'a?1"("4n1")"' does this pattern exist only Caché.
Exists performance improvement with use pattern Caché?

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This code snippet uses %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider. The namespace and string of SQL can be edited for different situations. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.passQuestionParams
    classmethod test(pValue = 50) {
        s ns = $Namespace
        zn "samples"
        s tSQL = "SELECT ID, Name FROM Sample.Person WHERE Id > ?"
        s tPR = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%New()
        s tPR.sql = tSQL
        s tPR.%Format = "tw"
        s tPR.maxRows = 100
        s tParam = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
        s tParam.value = pValue
        d tPR.parameters.SetAt(tParam,1)
        d tPR.%DrawJSON() 
        //d ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%WriteJSONFromSQL(,,,,,tPR)  //same thing
        zn ns

(Originally posted to Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 5/13/15)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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We have Mirroring established between NODE 1 & Node 2 . We have set the "cachesys" database enabled for Journalling. But we dont see the User Accounts , Roles, Resources created on Node 1 ( favoured Primary) reflected on Node 2 . Is creating them manually again is the only option for this ? . Is there any way to sync them or would adding %SYS to MIRROR a possible solution. Would it be great if anyone has faced this as we have an issue that during failovers Team is locked out .

Best Regards,

Arun Madhan

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· Oct 17, 2018
SQLGateWay performance.

I have a ZEN page with nine tablepanes. Each tablepane queries a table in the same SQLServer db. I have a single SQLGateWay(odbc) to this SQLServer db. I need to get better performance when I query all nine table at the same time. Would my performance improve if I had nine SQLGateWays(nine odbc configurations/connections), one for each query? I would appreciate any and all suggestions for getting the very best performance when using SQLGateWays. Thank you.

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I have created a view to stage some data in a different format and then want to reference that view in a SQL query from a table that filters the data from the view using a property of the table.


MsgId = ReportId
) as ReportName

Is this even possible? When I try this, I get an error table not found for the view?


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I can directly order over a MultiDimensional property, e.g.

set key=$order(obj.prop(key))

However I have a generic method that has to use the $property method, if I know the keys then I can just fetch a value with...

set value=$property(obj,"prop","key")

But if I don't know the keys then I am not aware of a solution to do this, e.g.

set key=$order($property(obj,"prop",key))

will not work.

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· Oct 15, 2018
Caché - cinstall_silent.

I would like to know how to choose the "Development" installation type in silent mode.

When performing a normal installation:

Please review the installation options:
Instance name: CACHE
Destination directory: /cache
Cache version to install: 2015.2.1.705.0.17420
Installation type: Development

When I perform a silent install:

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Hello, our Team is trying to develop Ensemble DTL to transform incoming X12 files into persistent data records. We created a persistent class and we can insert data using SQL. We tried to verify that %Save() gets called by adding %AddToSaveSet() method to persistent class and there writing to a global. We had to extend our persistent class with Ens.VDoc.Interface class or we could not see %Save() being called from Ensemble DTL. We suspect that %Save() gets some kind of error. We tried to debug by overwriting Transform() method in our DTL class.

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Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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From the first glance, the task of configuring LDAP authentication in Caché is not hard at all – the manual describes this process in just 6 paragraphs. On the other hand, if the LDAP server uses Microsoft Active Directory, there a few non-evident things that need to be configured on the LDAP server side. Those who don’t do anything like that on a regular basis may get lost in Caché settings. In this article, we will describe the step-by-step process of setting up LDAP authentication and cover the diagnostic methods that can be used if something doesn’t work as expected.

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2 2.1K

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a feature rich environment for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) as a cloud offering fully capable of supporting all of InterSystems products including the latest InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. Care must be taken, as with any platform or deployment model, to ensure all aspects of an environment are considered such as performance, availability, operations, and management procedures. Specifics of each of those areas will be covered in this article.

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In looking at the Production monitor within Ensemble, I was wondering if there is a way we could customize it for our use. I notice it is basically a dashboard.

For example I would only like to truly display those Services, Processes, and Operations that are truly in dire need of attention. The Monitor out of the box just seems too busy, and I would like to simplify it.

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· Oct 12, 2018
Healthshare/Ensemble Learning


I'm wondering what the path is to learning healthshare & ensemble? I've looked on the learning page and its minimally helpful. I've found that as a long time mumps programmer that new jobs are requiring this. I've just been using mumps to assist with epic emr. Everything I'm seeing is either VistA or Healthshare. Does someone know where do I go to learn these apps? Seems like a catch 22. You need to know these prior to getting a job but you can't get a job where you can learn them. Frustrating.

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