· Mar 27, 2020

ZPM: questions about private usage


We're considering adopting the ZPM solution as a way to manage many of our customer updates.
However in order to do so we need to know a few things.

  • Is ZPM client compatible with Caché 2017.x versions?
  • Can we configure a self-hosted registry that doesn't require a GitHub repository link?
  • Could the ZPM client zip and upload the whole package (all classes, routines, includes) instead of downloading it from a Github link?
  • Can we declare a module that specifies classes themselves instead of their package counterpart? e.g. My.Class.CLS instead of My.PKG.

We need all these questions to have positive replies otherwise we won't be able to use it.

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Hi Rubens!

I'm glad that you are considering it! ZPM is a very powerful and helpful tool.

  • Is ZPM client compatible with Caché 2017.x versions?

it's not at the moment. But it's an open project, you can add this support if you want. And send the PR then.

  • Can we configure a self-hosted registry that doesn't require a GitHub repository link?

Yes you can. You can setup your own registry - here is how.

You can alter the registry in ZPM client, and create, pack, and publish and then install it from the alternative registry, e.g. your corporate registry.

  • Could the ZPM client zip and upload the whole package (all classes, routines, includes) instead of downloading it from a Github link?


  • Can we declare a module that specifies classes themselves instead of their package counterpart? e.g. My.Class.CLS instead of My.PKG.

Sure. See the article and an Example.