· Mar 29, 2020

how to create one VALUELIST from a class parameters ?

Hello everyone!

I have an abstract class representing the possible inputs for an Enum field, in the following way: 

 Class system.dto.sector.SectorStatusEnum  [ Abstract ]

 Parameter Active = 1;

 Parameter Inactive = 2;

 Parameter Production = 3;

 Parameter Upkeep = 4;


I need to create a persistent class referencing the abstract class in the status field, so that the result of the operation is the same as the example:

 Class datas.TblSector Extends %Persistent

Property Description As %String( MAXLEN = 100 ) [ Required ];

Property Status As %String(

VALUELIST=",1,2,3,4", DISPLAYLIST=", Active, Inactive, Production, Upkeep") [ Required ];


Can someone help me pls?

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PARAMETER and DISPLAYLIST are both compiler directives and you can't mix them.

But you may workaround it by writing your own pair of DisplayToLogical /  LogicalToDisplay ClassMethods for this property´.

Parameter Active = 1;
Parameter Inactive =2;
Parameter Production = 3;
Parameter Upkeep 4;

/// DISPLAYLIST = ", Active, Inactive, Production, Upkeep",
Property Status As %String(VALUELIST = ",1,2,3,4") [ Required ];

ClassMethod StatusDisplayToLogical(%val) As %String
{ Quit $case(%val,..#Active:1,..#Inactive:2,..#Production:3,..#Upkeep:4,:""}

ClassMethod StatusLogicalToDisplay(%val) As %String
Quit $case(%val,1:..#Active,2:..#Inactive,3:..#Production,4:..#Upkeep,:""}


Do I understand you right, you want to get the Value of a VALUELIST as a return value of a method? If yes, then the answer is yes.

Class Some.Class


Property Status As %String  (VALUELIST = ",1,2,3,4"); 

Property Rating As %String(VALUELIST = ",Bad,Good,Excellent");

/// For the Status property only
ClassMethod StatusValues() As %String [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
 for i=%class.Properties.Count():-1:0 if i,%class.Properties.GetAt(i).Name="Status" quit

 set val=$select(i:%class.Properties.GetAt(i).Parameters.GetAt("VALUELIST"), 1:"")

 do %code.WriteLine($c(9)_"quit """_val_"""")

/// For all properties with a VALUELIST parameter

ClassMethod Values(prop) [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
 set sel=""
 for i=1:1:%class.Properties.Count() {
     set val=%class.Properties.GetAt(i).Parameters.GetAt("VALUELIST")
     set:val]"" sel=sel_""""_%class.Properties.GetAt(i).Name_""":"""_val_""", "
 do %code.WriteLine($c(9)_"quit $case(prop,"_sel_":"""")")


And a few examples...

Write ##class(Some.Class).StatusValues()  ==> ,1,2,3

Write ##class(Some.Class).Values("Status") ==> ,1,2,3

Write ##class(Some.Class).Values("Rating") ==> Bad,Good,Excellent

Write ##class(Some.Class).Values("OtherProperty") ==>

Alternatively, %Dictionary package macros can be used:

ClassMethod Values(class = {$classname()}, property) As %Status  [ CodeMode = expression]

Also, you can find object from list without explicitly iterating the whole thing:

set i = %class.Properties.FindObjectId(%class.Name _ "||" _ "Status")

instead of:

for i=%class.Properties.Count():-1:0 if i,%class.Properties.GetAt(i).Name="Status" quit

Hi Davi,

A simplest way is creating a datatype class:

 Class system.dto.sector.SectorStatusEnum Extends %Integer [ ClassType = datatype ]
Parameter DISPLAYLIST = ",Active,Inactive,Production,Upkeep,NewValue";

Parameter VALUELIST = ",1,2,3,4,5"; 


And use the datatype in your class:

Class system.dto.sector.Test Extends %Persistent

Property SectorStatus As SectorStatusEnum;



Hello everyone !

I thank the help of all!

with everyone's help, it was possible to create a property with the same behavior as VALUE LIST from the parameters of a class. 

below is the test code:

First create the abstraction

 Class ing.shared.abstracts.AbstractEnum [ Abstract ]
ClassMethod BuildValueList() As %String
   Set valueList = ","_..GetValuesOfParametersString()
   Return valueList
ClassMethod BuildDisplayList() As %String
   Set displayList = ","_..GetParametersString()
   Return displayList

 ClassMethod GetValuesOfParameters()
   Set parametersList = ..GetParameters()
   Set valueList= $lb("")
   For i=1:1:$LISTLENGTH(parametersList){
      Set value = $PARAMETER($CLASSNAME(),$LIST(parametersList,i))
      Set $LIST(valueList,i) = value
   Return valueList
ClassMethod GetParameters() [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
   Set parametersClass=""
   For i=1:1:%class.Parameters.Count(){
      Set parametersClass=parametersClass_$LISTBUILD(%class.Parameters.GetAt(i).Name)
   Do %code.WriteLine($char(9)_"Return """_parametersClass_"""")

 ClassMethod GetParametersString() As %String
   Return $listtostring(..GetParameters())

 ClassMethod GetValuesOfParametersString() As %String
   Return $listtostring(..GetValuesOfParameters())

Second I created the class with the parameters, containing extension of the abstract class

 Class ing.dto.AbstractionItemSectorStatus Extends ing.shared.abstracts.AbstractEnum

Parameter Active = 1;

Parameter Inactive = 2;

Parameter Production = 3;

Parameter Upkeep = 4;


Create a datatype class referencing a parameter class in your property:

 Class ing.dataMap.DataTypeSectorStatusEnum Extends %Integer [ ClassType = datatype ]

 Parameter DISPLAYLIST = {##class(ing.dto.AbstractionItemSectorStatus).BuildDisplayList()};

 Parameter VALUELIST = {##class(ing.dto.AbstractionItemSectorStatus).BuildValueList()}; 


And finally create a  Persistent class:

 Class ing.dataMap.TblSector Extends %Persistent

Property Description  As %String;

 Property SectorStatus As DataTypeSectorStatusEnum;

This architecture can be useful for future code maintenance, creating or changing new abstract classes