Hi Developers!

Here is what's we introduced in Developers Community features and UI last month:

  • Pinned topics for main feed and tags;
  • One-click unsubscribe option in every email we send;
  • A 'new' indicator for the posts and comments;
  • Notification of changes made by moderators;
  • Articles without translation don't show 'access denied' anymore.

See the details below!

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,762 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I have a business service that needs to run only once a day at an specific time. It is important that the service only runs once.

I have tried the scheduler but you can only define the times (start-stop) when the service will be running...so this will not work for me as I need this to run only once.

Looking at the documentation I found "tasks". Apparently this is exactly what I need. As per documentation:

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I have made a query with class definitions and all their properties and put them in a view.

All is good besides Parameters is showing junk characters. Is there a way to do it cleanly besides getting into the code??

CC.ID As CompiledClass,
CP.Name As PropertyName,

FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty CP
JOIN %Dictionary.CompiledClass CC
ON CP.Parent = CC.ID

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Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Showcase: InterSystems IRIS Directions

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¡Hi everybody!

As you likely are aware, the new version of InterSystems IRIS for Health (I4H) it's already available in Docker Hub. It's the Community version and is free and fully functional. There have been comments about it in other articles and posts,... so today I won't add anything about features. Here I want to explore "the mistery about the disappearance, or better, absence of our persistent data when we run a container with the durable option" (I didn't find a terrifying font to emphasize the thriller... post editor is not terrific for styling smiley ) .

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Hi Developers,

New video, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🗣 Multi-Inheritance in a Multi-Model Environment

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Hello Wonderful Community!

The question I have is:

Can we set a Call Alert instead of an email alert (or both) in Ensemble when the system goes down?

The message below is what we got via email. But I wanted to know if there is more functionality that allows to use a call system.

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I have SQLCompute with SQLComputeCode on a couple of Properties in my class.

These work fin when I insert/update via ObjectScript or SQL from the ManagementPortal.

However, if I insert (create new record) via my C# app using the Caché ODBC DLL the SQLCompute is ignored, it does not run.

Is this expected InterSystems Caché behaviour? We are on latest IRIS platform.

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I'm pleased to announce the latest version of extensions for ObjectScript. Just a month has gone since my latest update, and I already have something new to show.

Important. In this version connection to the server will be disabled by default. You have to activate connection through the settings:"objectscript.conn.active" = true.

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Currently, many of you has some knowledge about CachéQuality (which is being renamed to objectscriptQuality) for analyzing objectscript code using the rules we have predefined. Probably you have tested it and have found too many warnings in your projects. I'm sure there are issues which are really important for you and some others which you would like to dismiss.

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Hello everyone,

I am searching, but i cannot find a way to call a Procedure in Caché with PHP. Using .NET we have the Intersystems.Data.CacheClient.CacheCommand and we make a call in a Procedure. How i can do the same in PHP?


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In time for InterSystems Global Summit 2019 we at George James Software are pleased to offer a cloud-hosted evaluation environment where you can work with Serenji in Visual Studio Code, editing and debugging ObjectScript in a sandbox running InterSystems IRIS 2019.3 Community edition.

You can do it all from your web browser. Nothing will be installed on your workstation, nor will any settings have to be changed on it.

To take Serenji for a test drive please visit https://georgejames.com/dc-gitpod

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Some time ago I developed an application that tackled a familarial problem faced by many developers when required to update multiple UAT or PRODUCTION sites with the latest Software patches that have been developed and tested on your DEV server and now need to be deployed to multiple sites running that software.

In principle the solution works as follows:

1) Prepare an XML export of affected classes/routines/csp pages/hl7 definitions et al

2) Optionally create a global export of any new globals or changes to existing globals

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· Nov 23, 2019
Clearing my cube of data

Hi I am experienced with Ensemble but working in my first DeepSee project, so forgive me if this seems elementary.

My question is, how do I clear the data out? Every time I build I am adding more and more data. But I would like to revert my cube to being 0 so I can reload it and start over? Set my row count back to 0?

I am unable to remove/purge through the management portal

-I've tried to kill my cube Do ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%KillCube("MyCube.Cube") and then Rebuild it.

Thanks In advance

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