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· Feb 2, 2021 12m read
A custom SQL index with Python features

Image search like Google's is a nice feature that wonder me - as almost anything related to image processing.

A few months ago, InterSystems released a preview for Python Embedded. As Python has a lot of libs for deal with image processing, I decided to start my own attemptive to play with a sort of image search - a much more modest version in deed :-)

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Version: 1.0.123

Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 619U) Thu Mar 17 2016

After deleting a class on the server, Atelier still wants to believe it exists. I even deleted the project and the server. After re-creating them, it still believes the class exists. I log in with studio and it shows the class has been removed.

If I attempt to open the class in the server explorer, I get a null pointer exception, but I can open any other class.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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· Sep 28, 2016
wsHttpBinding with Cache

Hi all,

This is a real long shot, but does anyone have experience integrating MS wsHttpBinding with a Cache application?


I ask because my project had some initial design discussions for new web service communication and this specification was mentioned.


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Hey everyone!

I recently learnt something new while working with WRC on an issue, and I wanted to share with everyone on the off chance it could help someone else.


Files are being inexplicably written to a folder on your server and, due to the number of files in the folder and general system throughput, it is not possible to work through the files to track down the source.

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For the upcoming Python contest, I would like to make a small demo, on how to create a simple REST application using Python, which will use IRIS as a database. Using this tools

  • FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL
  • Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.
  • Uvicorn is an ASGI web server implementation for Python.

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· Apr 2, 2022
Subscript with double quoted

Hi Team,

I would like to save the array subscript with in double quotes

eg sub1=111,sub2=444 (these values are dynamic)

set array(sub1,sub2)=""

It will be saved as array(111,444)=""

but I want to save it as array("111","444")=""

I am trying to save it from the class like """"_sub1_"""" but its not displaying as expected.

Kindly do the need full.

Thanks in Advance

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Hi, Community!

Since this article is an overview of Flask Login, let's begin with Flask Introduction!

What is Flask?

In the realm of web development, Python has emerged as a formidable force, offering its versatility and robustness to create dynamic and scalable applications. For that reason, tools and services compatible with this language are in demand these days. Flask is a lightweight and easy-to-use web framework for Python. It stands out as a lightweight and user-friendly option. Its simplicity and flexibility have made it a popular choice for developers, particularly for creating smaller-scale applications. It is based on the Werkzeug toolkit and provides a simple but powerful API for building web applications.
Unlike its full-stack counterparts, Flask provides a core set of features, focusing on URL routing, template rendering, and request handling. This minimalist approach makes Flask lightweight and easy to learn, allowing developers to build web applications quickly and without the burden of unnecessary complexity.

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I have a process that receives a EnsLib.DICOM.Document, and then attempts to extract a PDF from the dataset to save to a folder.

When I use the GetValueAt method to get the pdf from the document (from the EncapsulatedDocument section), the status returned is 1, but I'm only getting the first 32648 characters(?) from the PDF.

I thought it was a string max length problem, but long strings are enabled and the final PDF is tiny (94kb) so it's not hitting the long string.

Is there some form of limit to using the GetValueAt method that I'm missing?

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I am trying to setup our first SSL/TLS configuration so we can possibly connect to the EMR FHIR server to pull data into the Interoperability engine.

I am running on Red Hat, and created and submitted a openssl CSR request to our Windows ADCS system.

I used the following command to generate the key and CSR request to submit to Windows ADCS

openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout xxxxxxx.key -out xxxxxxxx.csr

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· Sep 12, 2023
Scoping OID / OREF map

It's a feature of ObjectScript (perhaps widely known, perhaps not) that if you open the same object ID multiple times, you end up with the same OREF. For example:

USER>set obj1 = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)
USER>set obj2 = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)

USER>w obj1,!,obj2

Generally speaking, this is an important feature - you won't end up accidentally modifying the same record via multiple paths and losing some of the changes.

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In time for InterSystems Global Summit 2019 we at George James Software are pleased to offer a cloud-hosted evaluation environment where you can work with Serenji in Visual Studio Code, editing and debugging ObjectScript in a sandbox running InterSystems IRIS 2019.3 Community edition.

You can do it all from your web browser. Nothing will be installed on your workstation, nor will any settings have to be changed on it.

To take Serenji for a test drive please visit

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Hi there,

I'm passing a JSON object to the server as such:


From the client:

- Build object


-pass to server side method as %String

On the server:

s object={}.FromJSON(object)

Instead of getting something like

object=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[2@%Library.DynamicObject]

I get


I can't access that object using %Get as if says invalid OREF.

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