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Member since Jul 20, 2018
Yeah, it would be easier to start and finish the transaction in one request to a BO.
I will do it in that way.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your answer.
There is posible to use these on differents methods?
I mean
A Business Process "BP1" execute a method in an Operation "OP1" that create a TRANSACTION "TR1"
Then the BP1 execute a second method on the OP1 that execute a query (i.e. UPDATE a table)
Then the BP1 execute a third method on OP1 and execute a COMMIT on TR1
That is posible or I have to open and close the transaction in the same method?
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It's me again.
I notice the TIMECREATED field is GMT, there is a function in deepsee to convert to Local Time?
Sergio Vidal