· Apr 2, 2022

Subscript with double quoted

Hi Team,

I would like to save the array subscript with in double quotes 

eg sub1=111,sub2=444 (these values are dynamic)

set array(sub1,sub2)=""

It will be saved as array(111,444)=""

but I want to save it as array("111","444")=""

I am trying to save it from the class like """"_sub1_"""" but its not displaying as expected.

Kindly do the need full.

Thanks in Advance

Discussion (11)2
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You might consider looking at the ##class(%GlobalEdit).Create(...) method.  It has a 'Collation' argument which allows you to change the collation from the namespace default.  Just choose a collation that does *NOT* sort canonical numeric strings in front of non-numeric strings.

I don't recommend ever changing the default collation of a namespace as many utility routines depend on canonical numeric strings sorting in numeric order and not sorting in string order.  Those utilities may not work in such a namespace.

First, as you alread wrote, changing the collation of an already existing installation is dengerious,
second, as far as I know, the database creation page (of ManagementPortal) offers you "Cache/IRIS-standard" and "Cache/IRIS-standard string" only. Nevertheless, changing to "standard string" only affects the collation and not the display, i.e. string subscripts will be displayed quoted but numeric subscripts are not quoted.

I wasn't advocating changing a system collation or changing a namespace collation.  I only recommended using ##class(%Library.GlobalEdit) to change the subscript collation of a newly created individual global variable, leaving all other globals unchanged.

You can see the collations loaded into an instance by executing 'DO  ^|"%SYS"|COLLATE' .  I believe in this case the user wants to use built-in collation 133, which should be the version of collation 5 that sorts only strings and does not sort numbers.  It looks like 133 is now considered to be a "legacy collation" as I have problems finding it in the on-line documentation.

Consider the following:

USER>set num1=1,str1="""1""",num2=2,str2="""2""",num10=10,str10="""10""",abc="abc"

USER>set (x(num1),x(str1),x(num2),x(str2),x(num10),x(str10),x(abc))=""            

USER>set i="" do { set i=$order(x(i))  q:i=""   write i,! } while 1               

The WRITE command treats its expression arguments as ObjectScript string expressions so any argument expression with a numeric value is converted to a string value containing characters.  Note that variables str1 and str2 are strings containing 3 characters starting with one double-quote character, ".  The str1 and str2 values sort among other strings where the first character is a double-quote character.  When you print these subscript strings, the subscripts from variables num1 and num2 print as one character strings,  the subscript from variable num10 prints as a two character string, the subscripts from variables sub1, sub2 and abc print as three character strings and the subscript from variable str10 prints as a 4 character string.

If you use ZWRITE instead of WRITE then ZWRITE will add extra quote marks, will add $C(int) expression syntax and will add other things so that the textual representation that is printed does not contain any unprintable characters and you can see trailing white space.