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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

The Data Architecture that Leaves You Glueless @ Global Summit 2022
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· May 7, 2020

We are getting CoClass not available [80040111] when using %Net.SSH.Session. Does anyone know if there is a security setting that would disable this object?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I want to know how to add a class to IRIS namespace 'USER' using terminal.

How do I do this?

I know you can add this class using Visual Studio Code with the Intersystems extension installed on my PC and connected to an IRIS instance.

Is it possible to do this with terminal? From this prompt:

I have a class like in this example:

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· Nov 9, 2022
SQL gateway connections

Hi Guys,

My understanding is that SQL gateway connection is a way where you can have two ensemble instances where in instance A you can have a class and then you create a connection from instance B and you can run queries for that table from instance A into B?

But as I checked the doc, it says that SQL gateways is a way to just import data from an instance to another?


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Hi, guys,

I'm working on zen report to display an examination report for a client.

They stored order information in several tables. Examination findings and diagnosis were recorded in a html page and codes of the page was stored in another table. We need to put them together in one single report.

So far we can only read the html codes from that table which is a whole page since it start from label <html> and have <header>. We know that if we are using javascript we can display the page by assigning the codes to innerHtml property of an iframe object.

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I work on deploying IRIS inside Docker container. I really like %Installer class can automate many steps. I want to establish an ECP connection to a mirror database and then define a remote database on the application server. I have already seen we can create local database and namespace in %Installer. What code is needed to establish ECP connection?

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· Jun 9, 2017
Emergency Access

What is the purpose to use Emergency Access Mode in Cache? How to establishes a Connection without performing authentication?

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to explore common security pitfalls within the industry and how to avoid them when building applications on InterSystems IRIS:

The OWASP Top 10 & InterSystems IRIS Application Development @ Global Summit 2022
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Hello, In the DTL, is there a way to set a value for the HL7 data element in the code section? For example, set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn (mrn is the value returned from the SQL query) When I ran the test utility, I got this error message. ERROR ErrException: zTransform+27^testclass.TEST.1 *SetValueAt,EnsLib.HL7.Message -- logged as '-' number - @' set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn' I tried both target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") and target.GetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)"). That didn’t make a difference. The code still error out.

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0 877

Hello community,

I would like to know answer to the question: What would be an optimal way to connect an Ensemble and a pure Caché server? Optimally in such a way for the Caché system to be able to fire Ensemble processes and the Ensemble server to call Caché server functions.

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· Jun 17, 2020
Atelier in a zip


I'm trying to install Atelier in my Eclipse installation, but due to network restrictions I am unable to reach the server. Is there any way to download the zip file to install it locally?

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Hi all

Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice?

At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit.

However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these.

The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring.

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I am working on an angular applications and build a web application (Rest API) on IRIS for health, the web application uses a password authentication and setup with the default csp session time out (15 minutes). If the user make an REST API call from the angular application after the session expired, it displays a login that anyway that we can disable the login prompt and just simply return http status 401? When the angular application received the status 401, it can redirect to angular error page.



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