· Jul 14, 2017

The command to kill all globals given the namespace


Is there any COS command could kill all the globals given the namespace?


Discussion (8)1
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/// Returns a list of the Globals in a Cache NameSpace (used for GUI display)<br>
/// <br>
/// <b>Parameters:</b> <br>
/// NameSpace - a Cache namespace. Default is current namespace. <br>
/// Mask - a mask, or comma-separated list of masks, to select globals. Default is "*" for all.<br>
/// SystemGlobals - boolean flag to include system globals in the results. Default is "0".<br>
/// UnavailableDatabases - a returned local array of any databases not currently accessible, i.e. array(name)=status.<br>
/// Index - Internal use only.<br>
/// IgnoreHasData - For faster list of Globals set this to 1 and the HasData column will always be FALSE.<br>
/// Mapped - Return all mapped global nodes when set to 1, the default value of this parameter is 1.
/// <br>
/// Valid masks are as follows:
/// <br>
/// ABC* - All strings starting with ABC<br>
/// A:D - All strings between A and D<br>
/// A:D,Y* - All strings between A and D, and all strings starting with Y<br>
/// A:D,'C* - All strings between A and D, except those starting with C
Query NameSpaceList(
  NameSpace As %String,
  Mask As %String,
  SystemGlobals As %Boolean,
  ByRef UnavailableDatabases As %String,
  Index As %Integer,
  IgnoreHasData As %Boolean = 0,
  Mapped As %Boolean = 1) As %Query(ROWSPEC = "Name:%String,Location:%String,ResourceName:%String,Permission:%String,Empty:%String,Keep:%String,Collation:%String,PointerBlock:%String,GrowthBlock:%String,HasData:%Boolean,Journal:%String,LockLocation:%String,HasSubscripts:%Boolean") [ SqlProc ]

set s = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

do s.%PrepareClassQuery("%SYS.GlobalQuery", "NameSpaceList")
set r = s.%Execute("SAMPLE", "*")
set $namespace = "SAMPLE"
while r.%Next() { kill @r.%Get("Name") }