· Jan 25, 2021 2m read
Static Documentation Generators

Hi Community,

In the past, technical documentation of the source code and software products was generated in chm, pdf files and documentation generators of the programming languages themselves. This old approach had the following limitations:
1. Outdated documentation;
2. Non-interactive and difficult to consult documentation;
3. Layout unresponsive, unfriendly and not adherent to HTML;
4. Inability to customize the layout of the documentation;
5. Inability to have HTML 5 documentation online and offline.
6. Lack of Markdown support.

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Hello, developers!

I would like to share the history of the project - the ZAPM shell.

As soon as ZPM was implemented, I immediately began to think about how best to use it.

And immediately faced with the desire to move more quickly between namespaces, especially when there are more than 20 of them.
I had to leave the ZPM, move to the desired namespace and re-enter the shell.
I suggested an improvement - a new "namespace" command for easier navigation.
I didn’t wait - I did it myself. And so it went. If you need it, get ready to do it yourself.

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The ObjectScript language of InterSystems IRIS has a very powerful metadata engine called XData. This feature allows the creation of metadata definitions for your classes, to be used by the compiler or by programs that will extend the standard features of the language, based on the XData definitions of its scope.

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Hi developers!

Often we need to deploy some data along with code pieces of the application.

And for InterSystems IRIS developers the question could sound: "How can I deploy the data I have in globals?"

InterSystems IRIS Globals Model QuickStart | InterSystems

Here I want to suggest to you one of the approaches - deploying global data using the ZPM package manager.

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While the integrity of Caché and InterSystems IRIS databases is completely protected from the consequences of system failure, physical storage devices do fail in ways that corrupt the data they store. For that reason, many sites choose to run regular database integrity checks, particularly in coordination with backups to validate that a given backup could be relied upon in a disaster.

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For the benefit of those who want to use the Document Database (DocDB) capabilities within InterSystems IRIS, and specifically the REST API it provides, I put together a Postman Collection that provides samples for several basic calls.

For example:

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· Jan 16, 2021 3m read
Creating and listing XData definitions

Hi InterSystems Community!

The ObjectScript language of InterSystems IRIS has the ability to extend classes using a very interesting feature called XData.

It is a section in your class that can be used to create custom definitions to be used within the class itself and also externally.

To create one or more XData definitions for your class is very easy, see the example:

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Tiny web application that allows you to anonymize CSV files. Based on InterSystems IRIS®

Version: store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.


Sample CSV where Date of Birth and Sex will remain untouched, while the rest should be anonymized.


The application recognizes the header columns and allows the user to chose which ones to ignore.

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Index to Articles

Hi All

It's been 6 weeks since my original article sad
- - - - -but I have been busy on this project

I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago.
Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail.
Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly.
And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.

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DataGrip is a multi-engine database environment targeting the specific needs of professional SQL developers, DataGrip makes working with databases an enjoyable and productive experience.

To work with InterSystems IRIS from DataGrip you'll need to add InterSystems JDBC driver first (once per DataGrip) and after that add all your InterSystems IRIS connections.

Part 1: Add InterSystems IRIS JDBC Driver

1. Go To File → DataSources

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· Sep 10, 2020 3m read
How To Create "Write-Only" Code

One of the leading benefits of ObjectScript is the speed and efficiency it allows for an experienced developer. Let's look at an example of how you can benefit from ObjectScript today.

Suppose you have a class that stores the names of your users. We'll call the class Data.User, and give it a string property Name. Next, we will need a method to create a new user or update an existing one. A naive, simplistic approach might look like this example:

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Executive Overview

In most organizations, events drive action. In financial services, for example, a stock dipping below a threshold price may trigger a sell order. In manufacturing, production may start when an order is received. In healthcare, an unusual increase in the number of patients registering in an emergency room could signal the start of a disease outbreak, calling for action on the part of medical staff and public health officials.

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There are couple of options to do this.

1. You can extend your class &JSON.Adaptor, it will do it for you with inbuilt logicaldtodisplay methods

2. Create another request class and do your transformations

3. Before calling the json convert to stream methods, transform the object's field with a ZDT.


I have an extremely simple example where there is a class with 3 properties

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· Dec 27, 2020 2m read
Secure IRIS Digital Services

The InterSystems IRIS has two major paths to a digital service: API/Web Service into Interoperability module and multimodel Database/Analytics. Each of them has your security configuration.

To do API security you apply an OAuth or JWT plug-in to the API endpoint. So in the Admin Portal, API producer and consumers get the keys to authenticate the API and consume it. The Admin Portal allows you configure RBAC policies too.

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The InterSystems IRIS has a very nice container class to allows you have your Dashboards as classes source code. It is %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Container.

With this class is possible group all your dashboard and pivot table definitions.

This is useful to automatically create your dashboards when you build your docker project and other automation scenarios.


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Today, is important analyze the content into portals and websites to get informed, analyze the concorrents, analyze trends, the richness and scope of content of websites. To do this, you can alocate people to read thousand of pages and spend much money or use a crawler to extract website content and execute NLP on it. You will get all necessary insights to analyze and make precise decisions in a few minutes.

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Hi guys!

I'd like to present you my new project: iris-analytics-notebook, a notebook approach to use IRIS analytics capabilities.

Project description

In past few years, notebooks tools like Jupyter are gaining popularity due its natural way to express ideias.

An almost unipresent tool for data scientists, notebook can also help to improve the impact of analytics tools for all sort of users.

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About this article:

In InterSystems IRIS, the default form of access to the management portal is HTTP, which means that if the client is in the office and the server is in the cloud, many clients probably desire to encrypt their traffic in some way.

Thus, we would like to show you some ways to encrypt your traffic to and from the IRIS management portal (or various REST services) running on AWS.

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