· Dec 24, 2020 3m read

InterSystems IRIS BI User Portal Artifacts into Container Classes

The InterSystems IRIS has a very nice container class to allows you have your Dashboards as classes source code. It is %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Container.

With this class is possible group all your dashboard and pivot table definitions.

This is useful to automatically create your dashboards when you build your docker project and other automation scenarios.


Class dc.WebsiteAnalyzer.WebsiteAnalyzerBIContainer Extends %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Container
XData Contents [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<dashboard xmlns="" name="WebsiteAnalyzerDashboard" 
folderName="dc/WebsiteAnalyzer" title="Website NLP Analysis" description="" keywords="" 
owner="" shared="true" public="true" locked="false" resource="" 
createdBy="_SYSTEM" category="WebsiteAnalyzer" bookCover="" 
scheme="" worklistCount="2" snapTo="true" 
snapGrid="true" gridRows="10" gridCols="10" canResize="true" 
canModify="true" showTitleBar="true" titleBarOpacity="" 
titleBarColor="" selectedTitleBarOpacity="" selectedTitleBarColor="" 
titleBarTextColor="" selectedTitleBarTextColor="" 
titleBarFont="" companyName="" companyLogo="" companyStyle="" 
backgroundColor="white" backgroundImage="none" 
backgroundRepeat="no-repeat" backgroundSize="100% 100%" backgroundOpacity="1" 
widgetBorders="1px solid #F0F0F0" 
widgetBordersSwitch="edit" widgetBordersColor="#F0F0F0" widgetBordersStyle="solid" 
widgetBordersWidth="1" widgetBordersToggle="true">
  <widget name="WebsiteAnalyzerTableWidget" type="pivot" subtype="pivot" subtypeClass="lineChart" 
title="" dataSource="TopEntities.kpi" 
dataLink="" drillDownDataSource="" width="200" height="200" sidebarContent="" 
showSidebar="false" sidebarWidth="" 
maximized="false" homeRowL="0" homeColL="0" colSpanL="5" rowSpanL="5" 
showToolbar="true" showToolbarBottomBorder="true" 
showToolbarOnlyWhenMaximized="false" colorToolbar="#F0F0F0" opacityToolbar="1" 
backgroundColor="#F0F0F0" opacity="1" theme="" dataColorList="">
  <widget name="WebsiteAnalyzerChartWidget" type="pivot" subtype="barChart" 
subtypeClass="barChart" title="" 
dataSource="TopEntities.kpi" dataLink="" drillDownDataSource="" 
width="200" height="200" sidebarContent="" 
showSidebar="false" sidebarWidth="" maximized="false" homeRowL="0" 
homeColL="5" colSpanL="5" rowSpanL="5" 
showToolbar="true" showToolbarBottomBorder="true" showToolbarOnlyWhenMaximized="false" 
colorToolbar="#F0F0F0" opacityToolbar="1" backgroundColor="#F0F0F0" 
opacity="1" theme="" dataColorList="">

So, you create your dashboards and pivot tables, connect to your instance using VSCode, go to other and get your dashboard and pivot definitions. Finally paste these definitions in your container class. Easy!




This sample can be found in this the Open Exchange link.

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In fact this class is maybe good for deployment, but not that perfect for source-control.

You have ALL your DFI in the repo in one file. So when you have changes or will want to make changes you need to deal with this container class.

You can export DFI as files (using and import it then with %SYSTEM.OBJ.ImportDir or ZPM.

How to export DFI using

First you setup the folder you export it into:

do ##class(dev.code).workdir("/irisdev/app/src")

Then when you need to export changes call in the terminal:

d ##class(dev.code).export("*.DFI")

Repo with DFI exported

The line which imports it into container