· Apr 21, 2017
Cache 5.02 License Error

Hi All,

We are using the InterSystems cache 5.02
We having 80 license unit but don't the reason 50 unit have been consumed (CSP unit)
This happen because of this page ran frequently "/apps/docmatic/%CSP.SysConnection.cls"
Can anyone explain why this page ran frequently and consume license?


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,599 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hey all! I'd like to collect some feedback regarding searching for messages using the Message Viewer. I'd like to find out what things regarding the Message Viewer you all in the community have found difficult/confusing/poorly documented. This can of course include things that you don’t know how to do yet, but would like to learn about.

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0 471

I am looking for a way to deploy production changes (code and/or production configs) via script or some other systematic way other than the Ensemble/Deploy page in the Management Portal. My goal is to store these configurations in Subversion, then have a piece that can pull the XML from source control and deploy it to a given server. Is there some kind of script that I can run on a given server to perform this deployment? If so, I can tie it up with Subversion using another tool that I have access to.

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0 1.5K

Have you ever thought about leveraging IIS (Internet Information Services for Windows) to improve performance and security for your Caché web applications?
Are you worried about the complexity of properly setting up IIS?

See the webinar Configuring a Web Server presented by @Kyle.Baxter, InterSystems Senior Support Specialist. Learn how to install IIS, set up it up to work with the CSP Gateway, and configure the CSP Gateway to talk to Caché.

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I'm asking this best-practices question on behalf of a customer.

They have a Caché-based application, and an Ensemble production deployed in front as an ESB to provide web service API access to the back end application. They're looking for a best practice approach for the scenario where the Caché back end is calling a third-party web service. Should that go through Ensemble too? It's sort of a philosophical design question/debate.

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What is the correct way to write embedded SQL that will use a Like operator and local variable. Ex How can a sql query return the IDs of all rows where LastName has the substring "Doe"?

Set nameToFind="Doe". The below does not work.

&sql(Select ID from myTable where LastName like '%:nameToFind%')

Simple enough but this syntax is tricky!!

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0 4K


I am wondering if there is a way I can change the GUID of an instance. The use case is that I am restoring from a backup on an alternate host and start the instance there. However, the restored instance ends up with same GUID as that of source. Is there a way I can tell this newly restored instance to use a different GUID?



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Hi I'm hoping the community will once more help me out with a question!

Right I have a production that takes an attachment from an email and processes it, sending out a hl7 message at the end. This works ok.

Now I just need to take the email and send it back out to a 'backup' email address, basically giving
a) A backup incase there is a problem with the email or something else further down the line.
b) A log of the emails receieved.

So I thought the best thing to do is have an operation with an email adapter and to send that my message.

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· Apr 26, 2017
Restore Database issue

Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to restore database to a 2016.2.2.853 caché version but i've some problems ...

Into my backup file, i've 6 namespaces. After use the Do ^DBREST and configure all namespace into the portal, I can only reach 2 of 6.

when I write zn "blabla" into the terminal, i've got this error message :

ZN "blabla"
<DIRECTORY> *r:\data\blabla

Of course, Database and namespace are correctly define.

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0 1.1K
InterSystems Official
· Apr 27, 2017
Supporting FIPS 140-2

With the recent release of Caché and Ensemble 2017.1, InterSystems customers can now create configurations where the data-at-rest cryptographic library used is compliant with FIPS 140-2.

Caché and Ensemble now provides you with the option to enable FIPS mode on RedHat 6.6, 7.1 on x86-64. This means is, that InterSystems products will no longer use the supplied crypto libraries that come with the kit, but will use the FIPS validated libraries provided by the Operating Systems vendor.

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InterSystems Official
· Apr 27, 2017

The last version of Caché, Ensemble released for VSI OpenVMS is 2017.1. Unlike HP OpenVMS (Alpha and Itanium), VSI OpenVMS on Itanium continues to be supported. This means that critical corrections or changes required to support customer’s hardware purchases will all be based on 2017.1 or earlier versions.

Related announcement:

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· Apr 24, 2017
Atelier and TFS

Has anyone begun working with Atelier and TFS for source control?

If so, experiences to share?


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1) What's the correct way to check for an existence of a segment? So far I have been doing this by checking to see if a required field is non-null, and this seems to work but is a bit clumsy. In this case, it’s an X12 message being checked in an IF action in BPL:


Or in a DTL, to see if a Z segment exists:


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We finished our last lesson with our Widgets Direct page iterating over a list of widgets, displaying an ID and a Name value. While we have been able to achieve this with only a small amount of coding, the page itself is not the most visually appealing place to be. The AngularJS framework is providing a powerful Model-View-Controller framework for our structure and logic, but it does not implement anything that will provide a nice UI experience.

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