@Wilber Tang, Thanks to your example, I have resolved my problem.
I was developing in a transformation in Ensemble, and could successfully remove an invalid OBX segment with the line below:
<assign value='' property='target.{PIDgrpgrp(k1).ORCgrp(k2).OBXgrp(k3).OBX}' action='remove' key='k3' />
It is a bit confusing when it comes to ORCgrp for XML Path. I have tried this one and it works well for OBR segment. Probably you can apply the similar path to OBX iteration to get what you want.
If you need more references for this XMLPath, try this one which I found the most useful:
Maybe you can try this Business opertion in Ensemble/HealthShare to a stored procedure in Cache.
Class User.TestSQLOperation Extends Ens.BusinessOperation
Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter";
Property Adapter As EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter;
Parameter INVOCATION = "Queue";
Method OnMessage(pRequest As Ens.Request, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
set tSC = $$$OK
SET sql="{?=call api.SimpleSP(?,?)}"
set tSC=..Adapter.ExecuteProcedure(.rs,.out,sql,"oii",2,"Hello1")
quit tSC
XData MessageMap
<MapItem MessageType="Ens.Request">
Class api.TestSQL [ Abstract ]
ClassMethod SimpleMethod(Id As %String, Name As %String) As %Status [ SqlName = SimpleSP, SqlProc ]
Set ^localData("Test")=$G(Id)_" "_$G(Name)
If $L(Id) {
Set ^localData(Id)=$G(Name)
Quit $$$OK