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· Jun 7, 2021
File error

Getting this error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file 'TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx'
(msg='Error in SFTP Put('\\Reporting\reports\Daily-Weekly\TestsDaily\To Be Processed\TestsDaily.xlsx','/TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx')
ERROR #7500: SSH Put Error '-2147024894': The system cannot find the file specified. [80070002]',code=0)

is this due to the file extension? Also, if its just because the file isn't there, how to fix that?

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Hi Guys,

I'm wondering how can I get fields defined as %GlobalCharacterStream diplayed in a SQL query or even objects?

I've some data that I need to convert over to a new system and the old uses %GlobalCharacterStream data type for one of its fields and I''m unable to display or extract to a spreadsheet, any help pls?


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Some key points are emphasized in this article in order to save your time to get linux ldap client in cache working with windows AD (active directory) LDAP server.
The first thing to do is to get successful TLS connection to windows AD.
Raw tcp case is beyond of this article, there is no problem with it, it is trivial.
Windows ldap server uses port 636 for tls and this port can be used to get ldap certificate.
As we will see later there is reason for this.
linux ldap client uses STARTTLS special ldap extension to switch plain tcp to TLS only.

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I'm looking for a way to get the message header ID for the current message in a Request to a Business Process.

I've located some code that gives me what I need, but it runs the risk of violating the "abstraction layer" ISC has in place around such things. And while I very much appreciate their efforts at keeping things simple for me ... well, sometimes you just have to dig through the guts to get what you want.

Is there a documented, deprecation-resistant method for getting at %Ensemble("%Process").%PrimaryRequestHeader.%Id() from within a BP?

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· Feb 15, 2021 17m read
Four Database APIs

A concurrent session in IRIS:
SQL, Objects, REST, and GraphQL

Kazimir Malevich, "Athletes" (1932)

"But of course you don't understand! How can a person who has always traveled in a horse-drawn carriage understand the feelings and impressions of the express traveler or the pilot in the air?"

Kazimir Malevich (1916)


We’ve already addressed the topic of why object/type representation is superior to SQL for implementing subject area models. And those conclusions and facts are as true now as they have ever been. So why should we take a step back and discuss technologies that drag abstractions back to the global level, where they had been in the pre-object and pre-type era? Why should we encourage the use of spaghetti code, which results in bugs that are hard to track down, and which relies only on virtuoso developer skills?

There are several arguments in favor of transmitting data via SQL/REST/GraphQL-based APIs as opposed to representing them as types/objects:

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video from #VSummit20:

Special Sauce: InterSystems IRIS Overview
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is it possible to avoid the display of certain properties in a custom message class in the message viewer content section. The message class is a common Ens.Request with a bunch of properties alongside one property of Type enslib.dicom.document wich in Turn is Not extended By %XML.Adaptor so the content display of course displays an error.

My idea is to avoid the display of That certain property When output is rendered (Text/XML). Using Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods and method %OnShowContents could be a way to do this But i don‘t find a way to do so.

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(2021.1.0 isn't an option in the Product dropdown, but that's the version of HS I'm asking about!)

In the past I've used HS.Util.Installer.InstallBusDemo() to set up a local HealthShare environment (registry, edges, access gateway, etc.) I don't see an equivalent in HealthShare 2021.1. I tried importing the bits and pieces from a lower version but always seem to be missing something. Is there an equivalent utility to do a local setup in HS 2021.1?



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Hey Developers,

We decided to extend the registration period for the InterSystems FHIR Accelerator Programming Contest and voting will start only on Thursday, June 3! The voting period will last until Sunday, June 6.

So, don't forget to support the best solutions built using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) on AWS.

➡️ Vote here from June 3rd to June 6th!

How to vote and what's new?

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Google has one intersting tool named Data Studio. This tool allows creating some interactive dashboards, based on your data, available from the internet. It already offers hundreds of connectors to any sort of data developed by the community. As well as some amount of community developed visualizing. And most importantly, Google offers a way to develop your own connector to your data.

FHIRaaS provides a REST API, and it's available from the internet. So I've decided to try to create some basic report on data stored there. And in the end, I got this.

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In the first article, a simple tutorial helped you to set up your FHIRaaS deployment.

Now, let's move forward and introduce a JS library to access the FHIR resource.

In the end, two examples of usage of this library will be presented, exploring the Appointment FHIR resource type.

SMART on FHIR JavaScript Library

FHIR is a REST API, so you can use any HTTP client in order to use it. But, it’s always a good idea to have help.

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· Jun 5, 2021 8m read
FHIRaaS overview


This article aims to provide an overview of InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) driven by the implementation of application iris-on-fhir, available in OEX developed for the FHIRaaS contest.

A basic tutorial will guide you in configuring a function FHIRaaS deployment, including an API key and an OAuth 2.0 server.

A library to use FHIR resources through FHIRaaS also is briefly discussed.

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Is there a way to add/substract from a pivot variable?

I have this MDX:

  NON EMPTY [DateOfSale].[Actual].[YearSold].&[$variable.Year] ON 0,
  NON EMPTY [Product].[P1].[Product Name].Members ON 1

And with pivot variable Year equal to, say, 2016 it works:

Now I want to add previous year first with one pivot variable and one explicit reference. It also works:

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In this article, I will show how you can easily containerize .Net/Java Gateways.

For our example, we will develop an Integration with Apache Kafka.

And to interoperate with Java/.Net code we will use PEX .


Our solution will run completely in docker and look like this:

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Episode 19 of Data Points features a conversation with Benjamin De Boe about the 2021.1 release of InterSystems IRIS! The conversation covers new improvements in analytics, business intelligence, machine learning, development gateways, FHIR capability, and more.
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This time I want to talk about something not specific to InterSystems IRIS, but that I think is important if you want to work with Docker and your server at work is a PC or laptop with Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise.

As you likely know, containers technology comes basically from Linux world and, nowadays, is on Linux hosts were it shows maximum potential. Those who use Windows on a normal basis see that both, Microsoft and Docker, have done important efforts during these last years that allow us to run containers based on Linux images on our Windows system in a really easy way... but it's something not supported for production systems and, this is the big problem, is not reliable if we want to keep persistent data outside of containers, in the host system,... mostly due to the big differences between Windows and Linux file systems. In the end, Docker for Windows itself uses a small linux virtual machine (MobiLinux) to run the containers... it does it transparently for the windows user... and it works perfectly well if, as I said, you don't require that your databases survive longer than the container...

Well,...let's get to the point,... the point is that many times, to avoid issues and simplify, we need a full Linux system and, if our server is based on Windows, the only way of having it is through a virtual machine. At least till WSL2 in Windows is released, but that will be another story and sure it'll take a bit of time to become robust enough.

In this article, I'll tell you, step by step, how to install an environment where you'll be able to work, if you need it, with Docker containers on an Ubuntu system in your Windows server. Let's go...

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