
Is it possible to save Cache code into a file and then run it via command line?

IE: csession [ini] -U [ini] /path/cacheCodeFile.?

What I need to do is run a Cache script from the Linux command line. The script will navigate data to produce a file and then it will exit back to the command line.

Thanks in advance for everyone's time.

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0 3.6K
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,737 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I need to check if one class is a subclass of another (either direct or indirect).

For example:

Class Package.ClassA Extends %Library.Persistent

Class Package.ClassB Extends Package.ClassA 

Class Package.ClassC Extends Package.ClassB

In this example Package.ClassC is a subclass of 3 classes: %Library.Persistent, Package.ClassA, Package.ClassB.

So any of these checks should return 1:

0 3
0 822

Hello, I've completed this tutorial:
I've used the "year" level instead of a pivot variable.
I want to calculate something like the following variation: 100 * ([DateOfSale].[PTD] - [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]) / [DateOfSale].[LYPTD]
I create a new calculated member, under the same dimmension with the above expression.

0 3
0 389

Hi, Community!

Please find the Developer Community Video of the week on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

System Sizing for Insanely Large Deployments
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0 385

I need to get a list of all classes that are subclasses of two unrelated classes.

For example I want to get a list of all classes that are both:

  • Persistent (extends %Library.Persistent)
  • XML-Enabled (extends %XML.Adaptor)

To get subclasses of one class I can use this query:

set rs = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinitionQuery).SubclassOfFunc("%Library.Persistent")

But what about two classes?

1 6
0 610

Is it possible to dynamically adjust the RetryInterval andFailureTimeout settings in a BPL?

I've got a business process that calls a web service operation to get a session ID from an external system. There is a string property returned in the body of the response that indicate an exception occurred in the external system. I have code in the BPL that examines the property and sets the status property to an error status when that occurs.

0 3
0 746


I am not system admin. But it used to be very simple to install CSP Gateway on an apache system on Linux with Apache installed. I used to run the CSP Gateway installation program and after it was done, all I had to do was fine tune some configurations on CSP Gateway portal on http://<ip>/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw and I was up and running.

0 5
0 1.4K
· Aug 25, 2017
Zen Report - ErrorNo: 5540

I'm working on an existing Zen Report that uses queryClass/queryName to retrieve data using a class that has a Stored Procedure method. Which works fine.
I have created second class with a Stored Procedure method, I modified the zen report to use this class and now I'm having the following error.

Error: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User UnknownUser is not privileged for the operation
ErrorNo: 5540



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0 450
· Aug 29, 2017
ad hoc sql service

Hi everyone, I have a SQL service that is working fine, except I don't want it to run on a schedule or continuously. I'd like to only run when requested. Run once and then stop until another request. Is there anyway to set up a service like that?

0 4
0 427

Hello everybody.

What I have is a criteria how to select "my" strings. What I need is to replace all of them with macro calls (using the same strings as arguments) in all classes of current namespace.

I was ready to write straightforward code, but at the last moment decided to ask the community: maybe I've overlooked a smarter option?

Any comments and advices would be great appreciated.

1 6
0 529


I have a process in which i call a rest operation in a while loop, get a response in JSON format of 50 issues, with paging, meaning this call will happen until the total amount of issues will be returned. each JSON is parsed into a proxyObject, and inserted to a list. later the entire list will be sent to an SQL operation which will write the data in the appropriate tables.

0 6
0 682
· Aug 4, 2017
AES Encryption

Trying to use AES encryption for a url. I have a plain text string, a 16-byte key and a initialization vector. I am trying to match a C# implementation that uses RijndaelManaged class with a BlockSize = 128, Mode = CipherMode.CBC, Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7. The output of the $SYSTEM.Encryption.AESCBCEncrypt(text,key,IV), doesn't match what is coming out of C#. All inputs into the $SYSTEM.Encryption.AESCBCEncrypt(text,key,IV) are converted to UTF8 as in the documentation.

0 5
0 1.7K
· Aug 28, 2017
padding string in BPL

Hi folks, I'm trying to pad my patient MRN to 10 characters before I do a SQL lookup in my BPL. I've tried various approaches, and have not been successful.

When I add a "code" statement with the following code, I get an error as below.

0 9
0 950
· Aug 18, 2017

I want to manipulate all the objects whose type is%Dictionary.StorageSQLMapDefinition by %OpenId

However, I don't know the exact id to feed into %OpenId, is there a way to query all the existing ids of %Dictionary.StorageSQLMapDefinition in a namespace?


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0 395

Is there a way to omit or skip rollback of some data changes during a transaction rollback? Maybe some sort of "autonomous transaction"?

The issue is with error logging in transaction. For example we may have in nested calls the following structure:
<some code>
<error happens>
<error log to database>

but if this code is in another transaction, and that rolls back we lose error data.

0 7
0 923

Hi, folks!

I'm sending emails with %Net.MailMessage.

How can I add a new line for the email body?

The code is:

dim msg as %Net.MailMessage = ##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
set msg.Charset="UTF-8"
do msg.TextData.Write("Dear  "_Username)
do msg.TextData.Write("Line1")
do msg.TextData.Write("Line2")
And I'm getting in email:
Dear UserLine1Line2

How can I get:

Dear User


0 8
1 1.8K
· Aug 24, 2017
Error on SQL update service

I have a simple SQL service that does a simple select from an SQL database. After the select, I do an update to set the ProcessedFlag to "Y" for yes, so my next pass doesn't select records already processed. The service works fine, except when it's done I get the error below, anybody know what is causing this error?

0 3
0 356

Hi Community!

Check the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Tier 1 Applications in a Virtual Environment
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0 348

The dataCombo property columnHeaders is a comma-delimited list of column headers displayed in the dropdown list.

Comma is a delimiter.

But, if I want add comma to columh header, for instance "House number, apartment" - this is value for header of one column.

How can I escape comma in this case?

"House number\, apartment" - is not working.

0 26
0 545
· Aug 22, 2017


Does anybody know what happend to %SYS.GSET routine in Cache 2016 ?

In Cache 2013 it still existed, I didn't find anything about it in Cache realese notes 2014 and 2015.


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