· Dec 8, 2016
telnet issue

Hi all,

While i connet telnet for particular user it call (%sys namepace ^Test routine).

In that rotine i switch namespace but the termial was closed(sessio disconnected).

How i can acces the user namespace afer switching namespace ?



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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,658 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

When testing a new routing rule, one frequently encountered problem is that messages that seem like they should be getting routed to a target component are not getting routed. This article aims to describe how to determine why the message didn't get routed.

1. Check the Event Log for the router to make sure there wasn't an error evaluating the rule or running any transformations referenced by the rule. If there was, debug that error first.

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0 1.1K

Hello All,

we have recently upgraded our network humming along 10gb across the board and we're curious as to how or if it is ok to backup cache over smb or to another network drive of that sort. instead of writing directly to local disk. (vmware environment)

0 4
0 498

How can I prevent large number truncation when using the DynamicObject and DynamicArray classes to create JSON in objectscript and then parsing the result in javascript. Are there any global settings that configure the output when using these classes?

I am looking at converting to the new DynamicObject and DynamicArray classes to build JSON. Our current (homegrown) JSON library forces string representation of numbers too long because of errors we were seeing with long numbers being truncated on the client, I am hoping to accomplish the same with the new classes.

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0 1.3K


I am working with this Ensemble Business Operation, which extends the EnsLib.Rest.Operation.

I built the OpenWeatherMap Rest Operation described in the article above.

I would like to access the weather.main, and weather.description. However, these objects are in a JSON Array.

How do you access these three objects in Objectscript.

0 3
0 1K
· Dec 8, 2016

I have a project to convert a JSON message with two patient identifiers into an HL7 ADT^A31. Is there any documentation or training that you would think is appropriate?

Currently using Ensemble 2014.1.5 on AIX

0 1
0 2.6K

Is there any way that I can check the native type of an object script variable? (similar to the typeof check in javascript)

I see that the DynamicArray class uses the type of the variable for its output, I would like to do something similar when I receive a value as an argument to my method.

USER>s var1 = 123 //No quotes, number type

USER>s var2 = "123" //quotes, string type

1 3
0 623


I've created a SOAP webservice in HealthShare following the documention.

When I get the wsdl definition and try to import it into a tool like 'SOAPUI' or a java framework like netbeans, I get errors.

The wsdl seems to be bad...

What I have to check?



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0 847

One of the great availability and scaling features of Caché is Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP). With consideration during application development distributed processing using ECP allows a scale out architecture for Caché applications. Application processing can scale to very high rates from a single application server to the processing power of up to 255 application servers with no application changes.

9 6
2 3.3K

Using the following...

//Get PDF stream object previously saved
   Set pdfStreamContainer = ##Class(Ens.StreamContainer).%OpenId(context.StreamContainerID)
   Try {
     Set pdfStreamObj = pdfStreamContainer.StreamGet()
   Catch {
      $$$TRACE("Error opening stream object ID = "_context.StreamContainerID)

Would it be possible to search the pdfStreamObj for certain values like a Medical Record, or Patient Name?



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Thanks for your time.

Plain $ZF(-1) and $ZF(-2) calls from Cache Studio or Terminal have stopped launching the OS shell from Win10.

cmd (Windows Command Prompt) should be launched.


Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Ensemble 2016.2.0.585.0 Developer Edition x64

Is this common? I have enabled both %Developer role and a Cache CallOut privilege for all users that operate in this scenario.

In Terminal, W $ZF(-1) prints -1, W $ZF(-2) prints -1

In Studio, W $ZF(-1) hangs the IDE, W $ZF(-2) prints 0

0 2
0 1.3K
· Dec 7, 2016 3m read
Enable CORS for CSP/ ZEN Applications

As web application gets more complex, more technologies are involved into the application development. Once it gets deployed in large scale the configuration gets more complex too. For sure one of the most difficult part of the story is the security. In a complex solution when independent servers are feeding single web pages with contents, it is indeed challenging to keep the integrity of such system. HTML5 introduced a (weak) security constraint, the Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This article tells how to enable CORS for CSP/ ZEN applications.

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0 1.5K


I am trying to figure out how to compare two dimension values in a MDX query such that records where two dimension values are the same will be filtered out.

To test this, I have modified the HoleFoods cube in SAMPLES namespace to have a new dimension called RandomRegion

I want to create a MDX query where the [Outlet].[H1].[Region] value is not equal to the [RandomRegion].[H1].[RandomRegion] value.

Here's the query I need to add the filter to:

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0 996


I was looking at the ENSDEMO namespace in our Ensemble server. In the class Demo.REST.DirectoryOperation, there is a line that uses the macro $$$URLENCODE. I would like to know exactly what does this macro $$$URLENCODE() do. Specifically what value does it. Unfortunately, I can't find anything about this macro in the Ensemble Documentation.

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0 1.4K
· Dec 5, 2016
Problem in Telnet

Hello folks,

We have recently upgraded the cache (5.x) to cache 2016. All are working perfectly. But i am struggling in Telnet.

Working Good,

when i connect to telnet it automatically gets the username(for example when we give the system ip addr(, the ip address is taken as username) and directly goto the Password field in Telnet on old cache (5.x).

Now my problem is,

I can't get the same from my new upgrade instance 2016. When i connect to telnet it directly goes to username field but not to password field.

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0 508
· Dec 7, 2016
Login Routine

Hi all,

Which routine use to get username and password (telnet) ?

cache version :Cache for Windows NT (Intel) 5.0.21 (Build 6408) Tue Jan 3 2006 13:28:20 EST



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Hello. When you export and then import a table of data, is the import smart enough to figure out if a row already exists in the new namespace, and if so update the row rather than just save/add the row?

For example, we have a table in DEV, and the same table in QA. The DEV table has more fields than QA. When we moved up the class, the field definitions went with the table into QA, so now the table definition is the same in both.

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0 533
· Dec 5, 2016

All replies are appreciated. We have put our first client into our production cache database and we are looking at what kind of regular maintenance is needed. We were questioning whether we should defrag the database files using windows defrag program and whether we need to run the defrag for Globals regularly? Should we be doing these routinely , occasionally or not at all?

0 1
0 675

We don't often use SQL within our org, which is mostly due to the performance issue we experience due to the quantity of data we are reviewing.

Aside from the standard performance measures for non-Caché databases, are there any recommended approaches when querying large tables?

The table would have roughly 50M records, but there are not a finite amount of sub-nodes.

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· Dec 5, 2016

Hi all,

How to set username while take telnet from particular ip in cache 16?



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Enterprises need to grow and manage their global computing infrastructures rapidly and efficiently while simultaneously optimizing and managing capital costs and expenses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) computing and storage services meet the needs of the most demanding Caché based application by providing
 a highly robust global computing infrastructure.

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