· Jun 14, 2017 3m read

Dynamic row-level security

This is a translation of the following article. Thanks [@Evgeny Shvarov] for the help in translation.

Someone posted a question on DC asking whether it was possible to determine access rights for a particular table row always at runtime, and if it was, how could one do that?
Answer: it is possible and it’s not hard at all.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • stop hanging out on DC only :)
  • disable the %RLI index on the SQL engine level (detailed instructions can be found here) to avoid doing this in every query using %IGNOREINDEX
  • make the %READERLIST field always calculated.
    Note: If you want to, you can “zero out” access rights during each calculation triggered by an INSERT/DELETE operation, which is defined by the %oper variable. For obvious reasons, it works for SQL only.

Let’s create the following class to demonstrate different approaches:

Class demo.test Extends %Persistent


Property %READERLIST As %String CalculatedPrivateSqlComputeCode = {{*} $s(%oper="":"%All",$$$YES:$$$SQLEmptyString)}, SqlComputed ];

Property f1 As %String;

Property f2 As %Integer;

/// d ##class(demo.test).Fill()
ClassMethod Fill(3)
  i=1:1:&sql(insert into demo.test(f1,f2values('f'||:i,:i))
  zw ^demo.testD,^demo.testI !

ClassMethod Test()
  i=$$$YES,$$$NO {
    d $SYSTEM.SQL.SetMapSelectability($classname(),"%RLI",i), $system.SQL.PurgeForTable($classname())
    w $s(i=$$$YES:"yes",1:"no")_" 1) -----",!!
    ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"select * from %IGNOREINDEX %RLI "_$classname()).%Display() !!
    w $s(i=$$$YES:"yes",1:"no")_" 2) -----",!!
    ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"select * from "_$classname()).%Display() !!


Now, let's use the terminal to run the Fill method as a user with the %All role:

^demo.testI("%RLI"," "_$c(0),1)=$zwc(412,1,0)/*$bit(2..4)*/
yes 1) -----
ID      f1      f2
1       f1      1
2       f2      2
3       f3      3
3 Rows(s) Affected
yes 2) -----
ID      f1      f2
0 Rows(s) Affected
no 1) -----
ID      f1      f2
1       f1      1
2       f2      2
3       f3      3
3 Rows(s) Affected
no 2) -----
ID      f1      f2
1       f1      1
2       f2      2
3       f3      3
3 Rows(s) Affected

PS: it goes without saying that in a real project, the calculation procedure will be a bit more complex than the banal %All, and may include several roles/logins separated with a comma.

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