· May 23, 2017

Unable to Parse CSV from Business Service to Business Process

Dear All,

I’m having trouble creating the following business service.  It’s intention is to pick up an CSV via FTP and pass it to a Business process that transforms it to a HL7 message.

I have created a record map for the CSV file, which I am trying to call in the business service and parse it into a new message class, which can be transformed in the business process.

Please could you advise:

Business Service:

/// Collects CSV from Epic FTP, looking for ENH patient
/// antiobitic sensitivities to be passed on to ENH Infection control
/// Patch 176
Class CUH.Serv.EpicFTPFilePickup Extends (Ens.BusinessService, CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7)

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter";

// Adds Option to state which Business process is the target of the Business service

Parameter SETTINGS As %String = "TargetConfigName";

// Declares that the TargetConfigName as a %String

Property TargetConfigName As %String(MAXLEN = 999);

// previous pInput: pInput As %RegisteredObject & Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %IO.DeviceStream, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
                //Create Request Message
                //set trequest = ##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7)
                do ##class(CUH.Recordmap.PutObject).%New()
                //Send Request to CUH.Proc.ICENETROUTER
                set tgo = ..SendRequestAsync(..TargetConfigName,trequest)

                Quit $$$ERROR($$$NotImplemented)


Record map (using CSV mapping tool).

Class CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7 Extends EnsLib.RecordMap.RecordMap

Parameter OBJECTNAME = "CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record";

/// Method to write a record to a stream or device. This method will be generated based on the
/// structure of the RecordMap. For testing purposes, a file name may be passed in the pStream argument.
ClassMethod PutObject(pStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pObject As %RegisteredObject, pFlush As %Boolean = 1, ByRef pPadArray As %String) As %Status
                Try {
                                Set tStatus = $$$OK
                                If '$IsObject(pStream) {
                                                Set tFilename = pStream
                                                Set pStream = ##class(%IO.FileStream).%New()
                                                Do pStream.Open(tFilename,"WAE",,"UTF-8", .tStatus)
                                                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
                                Set tHasTopFields = $parameter(pObject,"INCLUDETOPFIELDS")
                                Set pStream.CharEncoding = "UTF-8"

                                Set tStatus = ..PutRecord(pStream, pObject, tHasTopFields, .pPadArray)
                                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
                                If pFlush Do pStream.Flush(.tStatus)
                                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
                Catch ex {
                                Set tStatus = ex.AsStatus()
                Quit tStatus

/// Method to retrieve a record from a stream or device. This method will be generated based on the
/// structure of the RecordMap. For testing purposes, a file name may be passed in the pStream argument.
ClassMethod GetObject(pStream As %IO.DeviceStream, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, ByRef pLookAhead As %String = "", pLabelFound As %Boolean = 0) As %Status
                Try {
                                Set tStatus = $$$OK
                                Set pObject = $$$NULLOREF
                                If '$IsObject(pStream) {
                                                Set tFilename = pStream
                                                Set pStream = ##class(%IO.FileStream).%New()
                                                Do pStream.Open(tFilename,,pTimeout,"UTF-8", .tStatus)
                                                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
                                Set tObjectName = $parameter($this,"OBJECTNAME")
                                Set tObject = $classmethod(tObjectName,"%New")
                                If '$IsObject(tObject) {
                                                Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$CannotCreateObject,tObjectName)
                                Set tObject.%Source = pStream.Name
                                Set tGetTopFields = $parameter(tObject,"INCLUDETOPFIELDS")
                                If pStream.AtEnd {
                                                Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrStreamAtEnd, pStream.Name)
                                Set pStream.CharEncoding = "UTF-8"
                                do pStream.WriteLine(1)

                                #; Parse incoming stream
                                Set tStatus = ..GetRecord(pStream, tObject, tGetTopFields, pTimeout, pLookAhead, pLabelFound)
                                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
                Catch ex {
                                Set tStatus = ex.AsStatus()
                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) { Set pObject = $$$NULLOREF }
                Else { Set pObject = tObject }
                Quit tStatus

/// Internal helper method to output object to a stream
ClassMethod PutRecord(pStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pObject As %RegisteredObject, pHasTopFields As %Boolean, ByRef pPadArray As %String) As %Status [ Internal, Private ]
                Set tStatus = $$$OK
                Do pStream.Write($select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).SpecimenIDLogicalToDisplay(pObject.SpecimenID), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).PatientSurnameLogicalToDisplay(pObject.PatientSurname), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).PatientFirstNameLogicalToDisplay(pObject.PatientFirstName), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).DOBLogicalToDisplay(pObject.DOB), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).PatientNHSNumberLogicalToDisplay(pObject.PatientNHSNumber), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).MRNLogicalToDisplay(pObject.MRN), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).CollectedLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Collected), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).ReceivedLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Received), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).ResultedLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Resulted), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).VerifiedLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Verified), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).SpecimenTypeLogicalToDisplay(pObject.SpecimenType), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).SourceLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Source), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).TestLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Test), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).OrganismLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Organism), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).AntibioticLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Antibiotic), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).AntibioticInterpretationLogicalToDisplay(pObject.AntibioticInterpretation), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).SubmitterLogicalToDisplay(pObject.Submitter), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(44) _ $select(pHasTopFields: ..Escape(##class(CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record).ReqExtPatientIDLogicalToDisplay(pObject.ReqExtPatientID), $lb($char(44)),"quote",$char(34)), 1: ""),0)
                Do pStream.Write($char(13,10), 0, .tStatus)
                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit tStatus
                Quit tStatus

/// Internal helper method to perform parse of incoming data
ClassMethod GetRecord(pStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pObject As %RegisteredObject, pGetTopFields As %Boolean, pTimeout As %Numeric, ByRef pLookAhead As %String = "", pLabelFound As %Boolean = 0) As %Status [ Internal, Private ]
                Set tStatus = $$$OK
                If pLabelFound { Set tRecLabel = "" } 
                Else { Set tRecLabel = "" } 
                Set tStatus = ..chunkRecord(pStream, .tRecordData, .tCharCount, "", pTimeout, $char(13,10), tRecLabel, pLookAhead, $char(34))
                If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit tStatus
                Set tMaxLocal = $$$MaxLocalLength
                Set tRecordData("charcount") = +$get(tCharCount)
                Set tCurrChunk = 1
                Set tTopPiece = 1
                Set tCurrSep = 1
                Set tStrings = 1
                Set tSeps = $listbuild($char(44))
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Else {
                                Set tCurrString = tRecordData(tCurrChunk)
                                Set tCurrPiece = 1
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.SpecimenID = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.PatientSurname = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.PatientFirstName = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.DOB = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.PatientNHSNumber = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.MRN = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Collected = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Received = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Resulted = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Verified = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.SpecimenType = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Source = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Test = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Organism = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Antibiotic = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.AntibioticInterpretation = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.Submitter = tCurrString
                If '$data(tRecordData(tCurrChunk, "block")) {
                                Set tCurrString = $piece(tRecordData(tCurrChunk), $char(44), tTopPiece)
                Do ..checkMerge(.tCurrChunk, .tRecordData, .tCurrString, $char(44), .tTopPiece)
                If pGetTopFields {
                                Set pObject.ReqExtPatientID = tCurrString
                Quit tStatus

XData RecordMap [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<Record xmlns="" name="CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7" type="delimited" char_encoding="UTF-8" targetClassname="CUH.Recordmap.ENHSens2HL7.Record" padFromLeft="0" recordTerminator="\x0d\x0a" escaping="quote" escapeSequence="&quot;">
  <Field name="SpecimenID" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="PatientSurname" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="PatientFirstName" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="DOB" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="PatientNHSNumber" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="MRN" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Collected" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Received" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Resulted" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Verified" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="SpecimenType" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Source" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Test" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Organism" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Antibiotic" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="AntibioticInterpretation" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="Submitter" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>
  <Field name="ReqExtPatientID" required="0" datatype="%String"></Field>


Kind Regards


Stuart Byrne | eHospital Senior Epic Interface & Environment Systems Analyst |

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Box 117 |
Ext: 58365 Direct Dial: 01223 348365
This email is confidential, see

Annual Leave: 26/05 (Half Day),  02/06, 05/06, 12/06, 12/07 – 28/07

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