· May 30, 2017

Performance testing in Ensemble


Can you please help me to know if there is any performance testing tool for Ensemble production.

Requirement is  : I need to track the time consumed for conversion of message in BP , from the time the service picked the file from "In " folder and gives the response output file in "Out" folder.

Thanks ,


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Hi Shobha,

Ensemble logs a great deal of metrics that you can use to determine all sorts of timings.

If you look at the header of any message you will see the time it was created and the time it was processed. This will give you the individual times taken for that message in its service or process to complete.

To get an end to end time you will need to know when the operation completed its task.

In your instance you can enable "Archive IO" which you will find under "Development and Debugging" in your file out operation settings. This will record the time received and responded. If you take one of these times and subtract the created time of the service message then you will have an overall benchmark.

Note that in dev you will probably see very little or no lag between each message stage. However when you get to a live environment this lag can increase from milliseconds to seconds depending on load. Therefore its best to take any benchmark on dev as just a best scenario.


We understand the inbuilt performance monitoring tools. But however to carryout a load test, we are evaluating a performance testing tool, which can do activities like connecting with Load generator/Load Balancer, Capture the request response time, CPU Utils, Memory leaks and give us the reporting.

Hence can you suggest if this inbuilt option will suffice this ?  or if there are any external  open source tools, which can get integrated with Intersystems.