InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,637 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I have a cube that lists services, processes, and operations information and wanted to make the names of the items more user-friendly to end users and to use a flag to determine which components would be displayed in the dashboard.

We created another table/cube that has a status flag (1/0) to determine whether we would look at the item, the existing name, and the human-readable name.

What is the best way to reference the data in the new cube from the original cube to use the human-readable name?

Thank you, LG

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in October 2019!

New applications in October 2019

simplemirror by Mario Sanchez Macias

This is a very simple docker-compose with a simple class that creates a mirror. It will create 2 folders (mirrorA and mirrorB) with the Iris installation files and mirror database MIRRORDB. Also creates a namespace MIRRORNS.

objectscript-rest-docker-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Very simple template to start development REST API with for persistent data in IRIS using Docker.

IRIS OAuth example by Dmitrii Kuznetsov

This is a template for InterSystems ObjectScript Github repository. The template goes also with a few files which let you immedietly compile your ObjecScript files in InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in a docker container

vscode-multi-connection by Dmitry Maslennikov

Example project, how to configure and use multiple connections in one namespace with VSCode-ObjectScript

iris-datatransform-unittest by Alberto Fuentes

IRIS Data Transform UnitTest Sample

SetEnv by Eduard Lebedyuk

Set Environment Variables

DocumentTemplate by Zenkov Artem

DocumentTemplate allows you to use ODT and DOCX files as templates for rendering reports or letters.

msgpack by Maks Atygaev

Implementation of MessagePack protocol where you need something more compact and speed then JSON.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis with IRIS by Amir Samary

Use IRIS Natural Language Processing and its interoperability capabilities to fetch realtime tweets and analyze their sentiment as well as their metadata.

Apache POI by Eduard Lebedyuk

ObjectScript part for apache-poi integration. Allows reading xlsx.

RabbitMQ adapter by Eduard Lebedyuk

InterSystems IRIS adapter for RabbitMQ

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Greetings community. I would like to know how to migrate a BD in production to a local environment. When I have a system in production (BD Sql Server) what we do is mount a local copy to do the analysis with the data and not occupy resources of the system in production. My question is: How do you do it with Intersystems technology?

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Hi Everyone,

Please welcome the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS and Intel Optane Memory
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Hi Everyone,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

GitHub Repository Template To Develop and Debug ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS
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For IRIS 2019.1 and later, the documentation has a new look and feel. Check it out:

The underlying changes include a new style sheet and a complete rewrite of the code we use to generate HTML. (There is now an underlying API for retrieving content as JSON, as well as a large set of unit tests -- for those of you who like that kind of thing!)

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I am trying to add an OR condition in the DTL but not able to. Sorry if this is a silly question, but can you advice?

I want to add a condition where if source.45 is "" or "..." then map "" to the target. But I am not able to add the OR condition

Currently I have as below

What will I need to do to add an "OR" condition to the DTL?

Would appreciate your guidance



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0 1K
· May 16, 2016 11m read
Accelerate Ensemble

Introducing non-persistent messages. eXpert-to-eXpert


InterSystems Ensemble as a tool does a lot for the Developer. One of the nice features is the Message trace utility. It shows a message flow diagram. The diagram shows the progress of the message processing real time. You can get many-many useful information from the production. In any case, someone needs to find a bug in a production implementation, without the Message trace utility it could turn into a real nightmare.

On the other hand, keeping message “traceability” is not for free. A heavy loaded production can very quickly run out of resources just because of the house keeping functions of Ensemble. House keeping functions such as maintaining message header, log entries, message queue generates a significant load on the Caché database used by Ensemble.

This article is about to show how to force Ensemble work more for the everyday life, instead of being prepared for “any-time-debugging”.

This is an eXpert-to-eXpert article. Therefore, I assume the deep understanding of Ensemble.

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1 1.7K
· Oct 29, 2019
Cache Update Query


     I am trying to update an year on a date field in a cache database table but it showing an error message. But the functions are working on select query. The query I used is 

update RB_ResEffDateSessPayorRestr SET RESTR_DATETo = DATEADD(YYYY,1,RESTR_DATETo) where YEAR(RESTR_DATETo)=2020

I tried to update only the year which are 2020.

Can anyone please help me, Is there any error in the query?


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I must be missing something. We have done encoded PDF's in the past with the Encoded PDF in OBX.5.5. When I have used this code in the past I was only working with 1 OBX, but I have a case where I am having multiple OBX's and having to loop through them and I am renumbering the outbound OBX.

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Working on "HealthShare 2019.1 [HealthShare Modules: Core:17.0.9941 + Patient Index:17.0.9941 + Clinical Viewer:17.0.9941 + Active Analytics:17.0.9941] - Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312_1_18859U) Tue Mar 19 2019 00:43:30 EDT"

In creating a DeepSee Cube - Pivot - Dashboard I am not finding out how to sort my rows by the row label value.

My Rows are numeric values, but they are sorting lexically not numerically. By this I mean that given the Row Values 1, 2, 3, 10, 100 the rows ar being displayed in the Analyzer in the alphabetic order of:

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Hi All,

We have a licensed version of Ensemble but for now, we use only the DB capabilities of Cache. As we create a custom Namespace, for e.g "Test", a new Ensemble Namespace is automically created by the system --"TestENS".

Is there any way where we can identify the system created ENS namespaces ?

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· Oct 30, 2019
SQL query index using

Hi guys,
I ran into a strange (for me) situation, when I run same query but change the WHERE clause the plan is different and is not connected to the additional condition.
Query that doesn't use the necessary index:

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adopting InterSystems IRIS
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I am new to FHIR resources here i need to store patient current location with patient resource but location resource does not linked with patient. I need help this. In FHIR R4 resources having separate i implemented successfully in my project but i am suffered how to link location and patient. I fount resources from

My Code implemented by nodejs with typescript language here i added graphql instead of rest

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