· Apr 24, 2020

Unable to import apache.poi HSSFWorkbook

We are using Ensemble 2018.1.3.

I am trying to import the org.apache.poi jar file (I have same problem with 3.8, 4.0.1, and 4.1.2).

Whenever I try to import the org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook class using the Java Gateway Wizard, I get an XML error such as the following: 

ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: Line: 215 Offset: 20 invalid character 0x5 while processing /hs-connect/sys/mgr/Temp/mMQ5qDvObKsxaw.xml at line 215 offset 201

In doing some digging, it looks like the problem is in the org.apache.poi.POIDocument.class because it has the following code in it:

  protected void readProperties()
    PropertySet ps = getPropertySet("\005DocumentSummaryInformation");
    if ((ps != null) && ((ps instanceof DocumentSummaryInformation))) {
      this.dsInf = ((DocumentSummaryInformation)ps);
    } else if (ps != null) {
      logger.log(POILogger.WARN, "DocumentSummaryInformation property set came back with wrong class - ", ps.getClass());



Has anyone gotten this to work?  If I did a manual import would it work?




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