Thank you very much, but I am not using production.There is a setQueryTimeout method in the% Net.Remote.Java.JDBCGateway class of IRIS, but this method does not exist in Ensemble2016, what should I do?
The code in IRIS is as follows:
ClassMethod jdbc() As %String
#dim %JDBCGateway as %Net.Remote.Java.JDBCGateway
s SQLConName="INC0001"
s gc=$$GetJConnection^%apiGTW(SQLConName)
i gc="" QUIT "-1^"_$$$ERROR($$$GTWCConnectionError)
set myquery= "select top 1 * from SQLUser.OE_OrdTeeth"
q:myquery="" "-1^sql can't empty"
/// prepare sql
s command=$ZCONVERT($p(myquery," ",1),"U")
If (command["CALL") {
s sqlhstmt=%JDBCGateway.prepareCall(gc,myquery)
} else {
s sqlhstmt=%JDBCGateway.prepareStatement(gc,myquery)
if (sqlhstmt < 0) {
q "-1^"_%JDBCGateway.getErrorText()
s sqlerr=%JDBCGateway.setQueryTimeout(sqlhstmt,5)
if sqlerr<0{
q "-1^"_%JDBCGateway.getErrorText()
s sqlerr=%JDBCGateway.execQuery(sqlhstmt)
if sqlerr<0{
q "-1^"_%JDBCGateway.getErrorText()
/// dump result
s colcount=%JDBCGateway.getColumnCount(sqlhstmt)
while hasdata = 1 {
s tpseudoid=%JDBCGateway.getString(sqlhstmt,1)
} //matches while hasdata
d %JDBCGateway.removeResultSet(gc)
Due to objective reasons, I cannot upgrade to IRIS.Can you give me an example of setting query timeout through JDBC in Ensemble2016.
thank you very much!
you try try
ClassMethod AESEncode(str As %String, key)
Set text=$ZCONVERT(str,"O","UTF8")
set len=$l(text)
if (16-len#16)'=0{
for ii=1:1:(16-len#16){
set text=text_$c(16-len#16)
for ii=1:1:16{
set text=text_$c(16)
s stream=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
d stream.Write(text)
s textstr=""
while 'stream.AtEnd{
set subtx=stream.Read(16)
Set textstr =textstr_$system.Encryption.AESEncode(subtx,key)
Set ret=$SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(textstr)
s ret = $replace(ret,$c(13,10),"")
q ret
* 解密
ClassMethod AESDecode(str As %String, key)
s ret = ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).Base64Decode(str)
s ret = ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).AESDecode(ret, key)
s ret = $zcvt(ret, "I", "UTF8")
set len=$l(ret)
set lastch=$e(ret,len,len)
set pos=0
for index=1:1:16 {
if $c(index)=lastch{
set pos=index
s ret = $e(ret,1,len-pos)
q ret