Suppose you have an application that allows users to write posts and comment on them. (Wait... that sounds familiar...)

For a given user, you want to be able to list all of the published posts with which that user has interacted - that is, either authored or commented on. How do you make this as fast as possible?

Here's what our %Persistent class definitions might look like as a starting point (storage definitions are important, but omitted for brevity):

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Hey developers!

Sometimes we need to insert or refer to the data of classes directly in globals.

And maybe a lot of you expect that data structure of global with records is:


And this article is a heads up, that this is not always true, don't expect it as granted!

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Presenter: Andreas Dieckow
Task: Apply SQL security to multiple servers in a distributed system
Approach: Provide code samples for using new API calls to apply SQL security statements to multiple instances of our products

Description: The requirement that started at all. See examples on how to use this new feature and integrate it into your application by discuss code examples.

Problem: SQL Security is local to the instance and most of time driven by customer application code. That it is only local to the instance and is not automatically going to other instances requires a solution.

Solution: With application code use new API calls to issue SQL security statements that is applied to multiple instances.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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A More Industrial-Looking Global Storage Scheme

In the first article in this series, we looked at the entity–attribute–value (EAV) model in relational databases, and took a look at the pros and cons of storing those entities, attributes and values in tables. We learned that, despite the benefits of this approach in terms of flexibility, there are some real disadvantages, in particular a basic mismatch between the logical structure of the data and its physical storage, which causes various difficulties.

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One of our apps uses a class query to support a ZEN Report and works just fine in that report, producing the expected results every time. We’ve since migrated to InterSystems Reports and noticed that, for a report using the same class query, 100s of extra rows with the same column values appear at its bottom.

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Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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With the maturation and wide acceptance of Java, object-oriented programming has moved to the foreground of the application development landscape. Because of their rich data models and support for productivity-enhancing concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, object technologies like Java, C++, and COM, are favored by today's application developers.

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This is the third article in our short series around innovations in IRIS SQL that deliver a more adaptive, high-performance experience for analysts and applications querying relational data on IRIS. It may be the last article in this series for 2021.2, but we have several more enhancements lined up in this area. In this article, we'll dig a little deeper into additional table statistics we're starting to gather in this release: Histograms

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· Mar 29, 2023 1m read
Named Parameter In SQL with Python

Quick Tips: Total Productive Maintenance

Named parameters can be achieved with SQLAlchemy :

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text,types,engine

_engine = create_engine('iris+emb:///')

with _engine.connect() as conn:
    rs = conn.execute(text("select :some_private_name"), {"some_private_name": 1})

or with native api

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text,types,engine

# set URL for SQLAlchemy
url = engine.url.URL.create('iris', username='SuperUser', password='SYS', host='localhost', port=33782, database='FHIRSERVER')

_engine = create_engine(url)

with _engine.connect() as conn:
    rs = conn.execute(text("select :some_private_name"), {"some_private_name": 1})

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· Jun 22, 2023 1m read
Countermeasures against SQL injection

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Countermeasures against SQL injection have been published on various websites, but we believe that it is possible to prevent SQL injection in applications using InterSystems SQL as well as other RDBMS by implementing these countermeasures appropriately. In addition, InterSystems Data Platform (hereinafter referred to as IRIS) incorporates several measures that make SQL injection more difficult than general RDBMS.

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

For volatile tables (tables with many INSERTs and DELETEs), storage for bitmap indexes can become inefficient over time.

For example, suppose that there are thousands of data with the following definition, and the operation of bulk deletion with TRUNCATE TABLE after being retained for a certain period of time is repeatedly performed.

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In ObjectScript you have a wide collection of functions that return some value

set variable = $somefunction(param1,param2, ...)

There is nothing special about that.
But there is a set of functions that I classify as LEFT SIDED
The specialty of them is that you can use them also on the left of the equal operator
as a target in the SET command:

set $somefunction(param1,param2, ...) = value

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DataGrip is a multi-engine database environment targeting the specific needs of professional SQL developers, DataGrip makes working with databases an enjoyable and productive experience.

To work with InterSystems IRIS from DataGrip you'll need to add InterSystems JDBC driver first (once per DataGrip) and after that add all your InterSystems IRIS connections.

Part 1: Add InterSystems IRIS JDBC Driver

1. Go To File → DataSources

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· Feb 2, 2021 12m read
A custom SQL index with Python features

Image search like Google's is a nice feature that wonder me - as almost anything related to image processing.

A few months ago, InterSystems released a preview for Python Embedded. As Python has a lot of libs for deal with image processing, I decided to start my own attemptive to play with a sort of image search - a much more modest version in deed :-)

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Hi folks!

Sometimes when we develop a mockup or PoC there is a need for a simple interface that will provide data in IRIS in JSON against SQL queries.

And recently I contributed a simple module that does exactly that:

accepts SQL string and returns the JSON.

How to install? Just call:

zpm "install sql-rest"

If you install it in a namespace X it will setup a /sql endpoint to your system that will accept POST requests with SQL string and will return the result for you for the data available in the namespace X.

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It's almost time to get your customers upgraded to new versions - are you worried about showing off your SQL Performance after upgrades? If you want to upgrade without worrying, then I have just the program for you!!! Check out this video from Global Summit 2016 featuring yours truly explaining how to upgrade a system without worrying about pesky SQL queries showing on your waistline!

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· May 25, 2017 2m read
The Interns are Coming!

The Data Platforms department here at InterSystems is gearing up for this year's crop of interns, and I for one am very excited to meet them all next week!

We've got folks from top technical colleges with diverse specialties from hard core engineers to pure computer scientists to mathematicians to business professionals. They come from countries around the world like Vietnam, China, and Finland and they all come with impressive backgrounds. We're sure they will do very well this summer.

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