Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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How do you authenticate with a rest api? The rest api implemention allows us to add in the header Authentication: 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + password) but it is not really secure as a user can inspect and with the right decoding tool see a user password

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Presenter: Saurav Gupta
Task: Provide customized authentication support for biometrics, smart cards, etc.
Approach: Provide code samples and concept examples to illustrate various custom authentication mechanisms

Description: In this session we will discuss customized way to solve various authentication mechanism and show case some sample code.

Problem: Using custom Authentication mechanism to support devices like biometrics, smart cards, or create an authentication front end for existing applications.

Solution: Code samples and concept examples.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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We are planning to use Caché users on a SOAP web-service, so the WS-security tokens will be used.
It will be username and password only for now.
The passwords should expire on a regular basis and this will be configured in the system-wide security settings.
The consumer of the web-service should be able to change their password on-demand or when it has expired, via a web-service call.

For the on-demand change, I can create a service method which can be called by the consumer to change the password.

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0 2.2K

Hi, Community!

Suppose I have class A with properties P1 and P2.

I want to introduce class B, which would have same records as Class A, but only one property - P2.

What is the easiest way to manage it assuming that I would like to use Class A to add records and be available for any operations to Users with Role A.

And I would like to introduce class B for Users with role B for read-only access. Preferably they shouldn't even be aware of Class A and P1 existence .

What is the easiest way to introduce it and manage it?

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0 709
· Jan 15, 2018
Access token storage

Hi community ,

i work actually on the access token generation method , i want know where the generated access token are saved ?

My [OAuth2.AccessToken] tabe is empty , it's logical?

thank's for helping .

Best regards

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0 785
· Jul 16, 2020
Ensemble namespace permission


I am attempting to set up a security role for our support team so they can have read access to the production and messages.

I have given the role RW rights on the resource associated with the database. However, when I log into Management Portal and select "Ensemble", the "Available Ensemble namespaces" list is empty.

What permissions do i need to set to be able to navigate to the production?

Thanks in advance,



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Hello community,

I would like to report about a security issue, that engages us for some time meanwhile.

We configured a restricted user to read data from a csp page to feed our nagios server with information about configuration items we would like to have an eye upon. The configuration of this user is the same in our production and in our development environment. The called method mainly reads data from lookup tables by sql queries and writes data to a temporary table, which is deleted in the begining.

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I am trying to lock down security within our Development environment per requirements from a Security Audit that was done earlier this year. I need to try to limit access at a public level, access to cache users, and exposure.

I installed IRIS with the Lockdown method, and have configured my web applications, services, resources, etc.

When I go into my namespace, I am constantly presented with the following error when I try to start or stop an Object...

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0 192

Hello everyone,

I am looking for the syntax or the way to use a class created in the "BNA" Namespace (my application) from the %SYS Namespace.

Here is the context:

I have a "BNA" application contained in the "BNA" NS, this application provides a user creation functionality. This feature creates both the user in a table in the application and in the Iris system.

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I am trying to create a %Installer script and I noticed from our documentation that %Installer's <CSPAuthentication> will only accept:

Optional; within <Namespace>. Defines one or more CSP applications; the supported authentication flags are 4 (Kerberos), 32 (Password), and 64 (Unauthenticated).

Is "Delegated" authentication supported? What is it's code?

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

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0 398

We are using Cache in our application. We are using default username/password for connecting to the Cache Database through Cache Manege Provider. Can we limit the permission of the user _SYSTEM to access only limited database/namespace.

Can we create new user for ODBC connection? Is there any API provided for creating user with limited access so that the user creation process can be automated.

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0 763

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Advances in Security
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I recently started work on trying to Tighten Security in our Development Instance of IRIS that is running based on recommendations from our Audit as you might of seen from my other posts. I am currently trying to get into the Private Web Gateway Manager within IRIS as CSPSystem, but when I attempt to sign in nothing happens.

I went through and reset the password in the CSP.ini and within IRIS for CSPSystem. I made sure it had the new GatewayRole per suggested

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0 335


I am trying to connect to another server using %Net.HttpRequest.

I keep getting this error : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol.

My guess is that the site I am reaching for uses TLS1.3 which is not supported in 2016, But I cant right now ask my client to upgrade.

Is it possible to override this ? install some kind of a patch or a more recent version of openssl on the server ?



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0 153

Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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I have multiple namespaces in a Cache environment say NS1 & NS2. I want to add some restriction so that a routine running in the NS1 should not access any resource(global/routine) belongs to namespace NS2.

The above restriction need for few of the clients only, so we do not want to write any custom logic in code.

We are looking for some solution provided by Cache where we can restrict the namespace access.

Can somebody please help me on this.

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0 329

Hi community ,

i use postman for testing my request , i need to extract access token from it (i put it inside the "Get url" using post man before sending my request).

i use the GetAccessTokenFromRequest of (%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken) class , but in my rest code party , when i send request from post man , i can't extract my access token, it's empty.

can please give me help?

thank you

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0 311

I am currently using InterSystems for patients data management related to intake treatment planning and delivery of dose.

should I create a new attribute to track Patient ID or using an existing attribute within Audit log ? what are the good practices guidelines?

If I use Event Data field to record Patient_ID is it possible out of the box to search entries for a specific Patient_ID ?

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0 405

I am attempting to pragmatically create a bunch of roles and then assign the appropriate resources to that role.

Currently, the only ways to add resources to a role are to:

1. Do through Management Portal

2. Go through ^SECURITY (add resource one at a time)

My Intention would be to do the following: do ^SECURITY Role Setup Edit Role When prompted for resources to add, be able to use *

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I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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