· Feb 14, 2020

Hidden change of $UserName

This is more a WARNING than a question

In a default installation I see this behaviour:

USER>w $username
USER>w $system.Process.UserName()


until a re-install (not upgrade) to a new version

USER>w $username
USER>w $system.Process.UserName()

you might easy understand the confusion this caused as $USERNAME is my preferred item to check, display, ...

with help of WRC it turned out that it was cause of a system wide setting.

System > Security Management > System-wide Security Parameters

Removing the hook returned me to default behaviour

 Needless to say that I could't find any docs on this unexpected surprise.

So be warned !

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Thanks for sharing Paul.

Though reference article for $username has this documented:

$USERNAME contains the username for the current process. This can be in one of two forms:

  • The name of the current user; for example: Mary. This value is returned if multiple security domains are not allowed.
  • The name and system address of the current user; for example: Mary@jupiter. This value is returned if multiple security domains are allowed.

To allow multiple security domains, go to the Management Portal, select System Administration, Security, System Security, System-wide Security Parameters. Select the Allow multiple security domains check box. Changes to this setting apply to new invoked processes; changing it does not affect the value returned by the current process.