
Accessing Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) buckets programmatically is a common requirement for many applications. However, setting up and managing AWS accounts is daunting and expensive, especially for small-scale projects or local development environments. In this article, we'll explore how to overcome this hurdle by using Localstack to simulate AWS services. Localstack mimics most AWS services, meaning one can develop and test applications without incurring any costs or relying on an internet connection, which can be incredibly useful for rapid development and debugging. We used ObjectScript with embedded Python to communicate with Intersystems IRIS and AWS simultaneously. Before beginning, ensure you have Python and Docker installed on your system. When Localstack is set up and running, the bucket can be created and used.

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· Apr 30, 2024 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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· Apr 26, 2024 3m read
Geo Vector Search #2

Technical surprises using VECTORs

Building my tech. example provided me with a bunch of findings htt I want to share.
The first vectors I touched appeared with text analysis and more than 200 dimensions.
I have to confess that I feel well with Einstein's 4 dimensional world.
7 to 15 dimensions populating the String Theory are somewhat across the border.
But 200 and more is definitely far beyond my mathematical horizon.

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Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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0 137

We are using the IRIS cloud. and I am working on a DTL .

so the source side timestamp is local time for example 20240110134740, I know it is a local time. so the requirement is I need to append the UTC at the end, like -0400 or -0500 depending on if it is daylight saving time.

so is there function to return if current day is at daylight saving time, so I can decide if I need to append the -400 or -500? or a function to return the current UTC by location?

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· Apr 25, 2024 3m read
Making A Variable Watch Itself

I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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Hello, I'm curious to see how other people deal with this: we have a text file that was created on someone's Windows machine and it was copied and pasted into a text file on someone's Mac machine. After some examination we realized that the line feeds were originally CRLF (for Windows) and when copied and pasted they were changed to LF (Mac). The diff program we used didn't pick up on this and the program we wrote to read the file was getting each line of the CRLF file and treating the whole file as one line for the LF file.

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With the advent of Embedded Python, a myriad of use cases are now possible from within IRIS directly using Python libraries for more complex operations. One such operation is the use of natural language processing tools such as textual similarity comparison.

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· Apr 8, 2024 1m read
using Procedure Parameters with ODBC/JDBC


I was struggling with a procedure that was meant to receive a string and use it as a filter, I've found that since I want the procedure to do some data transformation and return a dataset, I needed to use objectScript language.

I've created the procedure using the SQL GUI in the portal, and everything works fine when calling the procedure from the SQL GUI but not through a JDBC connection here is the call "call spPatientOS('2024-04-07T12:35:32Z')"

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· Apr 15, 2024
Extract XML from text


I wonder if anyone has a smart idea to extract an XML fragment inside a text document (incoming from a stream)?

The XML fragment is surrounded by plain text.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ?>

The XML is not represented by any class or object in the Namespace.

The XML can look different from time to time

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Hello everybody,

I've been experimenting with Embedded Python and have been following the steps outlined in this documentation:

I'm trying to convert a python dictionary into an objectscript array but there is an issue with the 'arrayref' function, that is not working as in the linked example.

This is a snapshoot of my IRIS terminal:

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1 138

Hi developers!

Just want to share an old but always relevant best practice on namespaces changing @Dmitry Maslennikov shared with me (again).

Consider method:

classmethod DoSomethingInSYS() as %Status


set sc=$$$OK

set ns=$namespace

zn "%SYS"

// try-catch in case there will be an error

try {

// do something, e.g. config change


catch {}

 zn ns    ; returning back to the namespace we came in the routine

return sc


And with new $namespace the method could be rewritten as:

classmethod DoSomethingInSYS() as %Status


set sc=$$$OK

new $namespace

set $namespace="%SYS"

// do something

return sc


So! The difference is that we don't need to change the namespace manually as it will be back automatically once we return the method.

and we don't need try-catch (at least for this purpose) too.

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0 670

If you have system tables implementing the "VERSIONPROPERTY" functionality, you may encounter error 5800. This article explains how this error occurs and provides solutions to resolve the issue.

When version checking is implemented, the property specified by VERSIONPROPERTY is automatically incremented each time an instance of the class is updated (either by objects or SQL).

For example:

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0 202

We are writing a custom Business Operation to interact with a downstream SOAP web-service. Classes for the SOAP operation were originally generated using the SOAP Wizard, then modified. This is functioning OK, but we'd now like to set the ReplyCodeActions setting on the operation and are struggling to make it visible via the management portal. How can we achieve this?

The classes are structured like this:

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0 141
· Mar 30, 2024
Deflate compression

During the realization of some required functionality, I discovered that I need to use Deflate compression, and found, that IRIS does not offer any options, $system.Util.Compress, works one way open (GZIP/COMPRESS) totally different, even for the same algorithms, I see that what I would expect as a result for Deflate somewhere there, but Compress returns something more. Is there any way to get a correct result using just ObjectScript without a need to use external tools? Was it really so difficult to have Deflate implemented in the first place?

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Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.

Code is below.

Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,

Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!

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0 216


I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"issue": [


"severity": "error",

"code": "not-found",

"diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound",

"details": {

"text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'"





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