· 8 hr ago 3m read

Code Scanner

This story has followed me for more than 20 years.

In the early days of ObjectScript, the volume of $Functions was limited.
You had to write it as part of your program.
But the functionality was often implemented. It just had no name.
To use it, you had "system" calls using $ZU() functions.

Over time most $ZU() became deprecated and replaced by "official" $Functions.
But how to find then over a thousand lines of code written over decades
by an uncounted number of programmers that were gone with the wind.
Studio was something fresh and not so performant.

So I created a Search Utility to Scan all corners of possible Objectscript 
It is written in pure ObjectScript avoiding all System Methods.
This made it independent and was very useful in preparing migration to IRIS

It looks like this;

USER>do ^rcc.find
enter search string [$ZU] <blank> to exit: RCC
          Verbose? (0,1) [0]:
          Force UpperCase? (1,0) [1]:
enter code type (CLS,MAC,INT,INC,ALL) [ALL]: CLS
** Scan Namespace: USER **
** CLS **
** 2      User.ConLoad
** 15     User.Main
** 3      csp.form
** 3      csp.winner
** 2      dc.rcc.Contest
** 37     dc.rcc.Main
** 1      dc.rcc.Prize
** 63 CLS **
enter search string [$ZU] <blank> to exit: RCC
          Verbose? (0,1) [0]:
          Force UpperCase? (1,0) [1]:
enter code type (CLS,MAC,INT,INC,ALL) [ALL]: mac
** Scan Namespace: USER **
** MAC **
** 9      zpmshow
** 9 MAC **
enter search string [$ZU] <blank> to exit: RCC
          Verbose? (0,1) [0]: 1
          Force UpperCase? (1,0) [1]:
enter code type (CLS,MAC,INT,INC,ALL) [ALL]: MAC
** Scan Namespace: USER **
** MAC **
** zpmshow **
#define rcc ^||rcc
        kill $$$rcc
        else { zw  zw $$$rcc b }
        for i=1:1:$$$rcc {
                if $d($$$rcc(+nb)) {
                set cmd=$s(ac="u":"un",1:"")_"install "_$li($$$rcc(nb))
        set lin=$g($$$rcc(ln))
** 9      zpmshow
** 9 MAC **
  • First enter some string to be searched
  • Verbose allows you to see matches in detail
  • Force UpperCase is useful to make scan case insensitive
  • Code type allows splitting scan into several steps
  • Namespace defines where the scan is executed
    • %-routines and %-classes are always excluded for namespaces other than %SYS

Practical hint

  • run a scan over ALL non-verbose to find affected code types
  • next run over INC and apply the required changes
  • then run CLS and apply the required changes
  • then run over MAC and apply the required changes
  • most likely there is no need for any fix in INT


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