· Dec 19, 2024

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <MAX $ZF STRING> zPrepareW+1^%Library.SQLGatewayConnection.1

Every time I try to update an SQL table using odbc connection, I'm getting: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <MAX $ZF STRING>zPrepareW+1^%Library.SQLGatewayConnection.1

Set sqlStatement = "UPDATE dbo.Table1 SET OriginalMessageText="_OriginalMessageText_"WHERE Id='"_Id_"'"
$$$TRACE("SQL Statement: "_sqlStatement)

I know that the problem is with the length of the ORU HL7 message  (that contains OBX base64 PDF file ) I'm trying to update in the table, but is there a way to fix this? other than truncating the message ?

I also tried this statement but it didn't work as well

Set sql = "UPDATE dbo.Table1 SET OriginalMessageText=?  WHERE Id=?"
Set status = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%Prepare(sql)
Do statement.%Execute(OriginalMessageText, Id)

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
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