· Dec 30, 2024 2m read

Creating a REST client to get Tracks from Spotify REST API - Part3 Get some data (e.g. Artists)

Last Chapter: Creating a REST client to get Tracks from Spotify REST API - Part2 Save and Refresh Token

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Ok, now I am pretty sure i have a valid token for making query.😀

Shall we try to query something from the API.

Again, its time to go through the API document

Search for Request artist data

the suggested code is like the following

curl "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  BQDBKJ5eo5jxbtpWjVOj7ryS84khybFpP_lTqzV7uV-T_m0cTfwvdn5BnBSKPxKgEb11"

Which mean that we can get the artists by the id 4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb and we need to attach our token as Authorization: Bearer  {our token} at the header


OK let start writing the class method getdata

Open the class rest.utli.requestUtli.cls

Add the following class method 

ClassMethod getdata(apiname = "", path = "", query = "0") As %String [ Language = python ]
	#w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/artists/4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb")
	import requests
	import json
	import iris
	# get the token by apiname
	# get the apiinfo object by apiname
	# parameter perparation
	if query!="0":
	atoken=a.tokentype+" "+token
	del a
	# get it
	response = requests.get(api_url,headers=headers, verify=False)
	return json.dumps(response.json())

Save it


Now open a terminal and test the code

Run the following line

w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/artists/4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb")

Yeah!!! 😀 Can get the detail of the artists!!!!

Let's go to the link to check who is this artist

Sorry... I am not sure if I know him/her.... can I search for someone I know?


Let try another path

w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/search","offset=2&limit=2&query=Ed%20Sheeran&type=artist&market=SG")

Let's go to the link to check

ok ...🤐 seems something making sense🤨

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