I am sending an httpRequest from ObjectScript to a python server. I am not receiving a response in OS

OS config On the client side

// Create an HTTP request object
Set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

// Set the server URL
Set httpRequest.Server = ""

// Set content type to JSON
Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"

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I have a scenario where I recognize that I have a duplicate patient in FHIR , both have a different set of data attached to them (Specimens / Observations / Conditions) and I want to transfer all the data from patient X to patient Y, and maybe mark patient X as not relevant or delete it IDK yet.

since Patch currently supports only single patch,

"The Conditional Patch query identified more than one resource."

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Hello All

I'm not sure what the best practice is for this. I have a DTL for returning ORUs back to a hospital in a different time zone. They have requested that various timestamps have the time zone offset added to the HL7 format (%q%k, I think). First, I just wanted to be sure the system was aware it was DST. I was able to determine if DST is in effect like this:

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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InterSystems Official
· Feb 20
What's new in VS Code, 2024

I recently realized it's been far too long since I talked about the latest features in the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension for Visual Studio Code.

I'm pleased to announce version 2.12.1 of the ObjectScript extension, containing a number of enhancements that make a developer's life easier. Some highlights are described below, including the #1 requested feature from Global Summit -- XML import!

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Hi Community,

Is there a way to call HL7 Data transformation directly from Business service without using Rule functionality in the production

In this scenario i need to call a data transformation in directly in business service and give the transformed message to Business operation

Please share if you have any ideas to implement this.


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Hi all,

I'm very new to this ecosystem so please bear with me:

I've startted learning online and have installed everything I need. I have VS code and I have most definitely installed the pack (3 packages) needed for working on it with ObjectScript. Even though this is the case I'm running into 2 problems:

1. when I type "class" I only get 4 option for auto complete. no "class with multiple inheritances" or anything of the sort. In fact, no Class at all, only ClassMethod. ClassResponse etc.

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Interacting with Users in the Terminal: A Guide to Using %Library.Prompt in IRIS

Have you ever wondered how commands like ^DATABASE engage users in the terminal? Or perhaps you're writing an automation routine and want ways to specify options directly from the terminal. Thankfully, the %Library.Prompt class in IRIS offers a straightforward way to do so!

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Hello Community,

SQL language remains the most practical way to retrieve information stored in a database.

The JSON format is very often used in data exchange.

It is therefore common to seek to obtain data in JSON format from SQL queries.

Below you will find simple examples that can help you meet this need using ObjectScript and Python code.

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Say I have an ObjectScript object called Book. It has 2 properties title and author. It extends JSON.%Adaptor, so I can call book.%JSONExport() and get this output:

{ "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "author": "Hemmingway" }

In my web service I want to have a search function that returns an array of Books along with the total number of responses, like this:

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How can I send a request via a SOCKS5 proxy in IRIS, using, for example, EnsLib.REST.Operation?


I need to access APIs inside my corporate network, to which I don't have direct access from my home office. I've set up a SOCKS5 proxy via SSH on my host machine like this:

ssh -D 9999 server.corporate.com

I can then make requests with curl to the APIs I need:

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We have a yummy dataset with recipes written by multiple Reddit users, however most of the information is free text as the title or description of a post. Let's find out how we can very easily load the dataset, extract some features and analyze it using features from OpenAI large language model within Embedded Python and the Langchain framework.

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In VS Code using the InterSystems ObjectScript extensions, I'd like the indentation applied to match that of IRIS Studio. Specifically for comments and dot syntax, I'd like pressing enter (carriage return) to preserve the current dot depth and same comment beginning.

In IRIS Studio after changing the indentation settings to custom using " \t.#/;" without quotes (note the leading space), the behaviour looks like this:

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Hello everyone!
I am wondering how I can retrieve multipart form-data from a request that is coming into my REST-service.
I am supposed to retrieve a string and a file. The file is being retrieved without issues, but the "testprofile" string is not being retrieved at all.
It just logs a an empty entry.
The request that is sent to my REST-service has the Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Thanks beforehand for the help! :)

Down below is the code I use right now to retrieve the string and file from Form-data Rest HTTP-request to my service.

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