· Dec 31, 2024 8m read

Creating a REST client to get Tracks from Spotify REST API - Part4 Save the Search Result

Last Chapter: Creating a REST client to get Tracks from Spotify REST API - Part3 Get some data (e.g. Artists)

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OK we create a method to get data and lets try to get some Tracks 😁

Now open a terminal and test the code

Run the following line

w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/search","offset=5&limit=10&query=Shape%20of%20you&type=track&market=SG")

ooooo no seems there is huge among of data returns.....😥

I would like to know what information can be found in 1 track....🤔 how about only query 1 track?

let's try the following

w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/tracks/5cy3CNTBZbX8vZUIsu4p7K","market=SG")

Ok... there are quite a lot of information about a track...🤔... but I am pretty sure I don't need them all....🤔

maybe name, spotify url, album basic information and artists basic information are good enough for me....  just make it simple is ok

the hierarchy of the 3 object should be like this...


So... let's go


1. Build the object class to store the Artists information

create a spotify folder under rest

create a class  artists.cls

Create a Persistent object and extend it with the %JSON.Adaptor for generating JSON string in a convenience way.

you can use a different key field name of the JSON  string by adding the setting %JSONFIELDNAME

Class rest.spotify.artists Extends (%Persistent, %JSON.Adaptor)

Property name As %String;
Property spotifyid As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "id");
Property spotifyurl As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "spotify", MAXLEN = 100);
ClassMethod checkRowid(spotifyid As %String = "") As %Integer [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.spotify.artists).checkRowid("6eUKZXaKkcviH0Ku9w2n3V")
	set rtn=0
	set rowid=""
	&sql(select id into :rowid from rest_spotify.artists where spotifyid=:spotifyid )
	//w rowid,!
	if rowid'="" set rtn=rowid
	return rtn

Save the class


2. Build the object class to store the Album information

under the spotify folder create a class album.cls

Create a Persistent object and extend it with the %JSON.Adaptor

Class rest.spotify.album Extends (%Persistent, %JSON.Adaptor)

Property name As %String;
Property albumtype As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "album_type");
Property releasedate As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "release_date");
Property spotifyid As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "id");
Property spotifyurl As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "spotify", MAXLEN = 100);
Property artists As artists;
ClassMethod checkRowid(spotifyid As %String = "") As %Integer [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.spotify.album).checkRowid("6rUYFVeZl5rExNNV8seV98")
	set rtn=0
	set rowid=""
	&sql(select id into :rowid from rest_spotify.album where spotifyid=:spotifyid )
	//w rowid,!
	if rowid'="" set rtn=rowid
	return rtn

Save the class


3. Build the object class to store the Track information

under the spotify folder create a class track.cls

Create a Persistent object and extend it with the %JSON.Adaptor

Class rest.spotify.track Extends (%Persistent, %JSON.Adaptor)

Property name As %String;
Property popularity As %String;
Property tracknumber As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "track_number");
Property spotifyid As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "id");
Property spotifyurl As %String(%JSONFIELDNAME = "spotify", MAXLEN = 100);
Property album As album;
ClassMethod checkRowid(spotifyid As %String = "") As %Integer [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.spotify.track).checkRowid("1cKuv7hAoX7ZN8f39hlDKX")
	set rtn=0
	set rowid=""
	&sql(select id into :rowid from rest_spotify.track where spotifyid=:spotifyid )
	//w rowid,!
	if rowid'="" set rtn=rowid
	return rtn


Save the class


4.  Now, we try to study what is the result look like if we try to search a track

Let's try to run the following command in the terminal again

w ##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/search","offset=5&limit=10&query=Shape%20of%20you&type=track&market=SG")

paste the result in a JSON fromatter for easy reading

Mummmm...🤨 mummmmm..............🤔

I think ... I need to write a function to loop through the the items of the result  JSON to get the tracks information and save it. We also need to save the album information inside the items.......😐........ and...... also.... loop through the artist information inside the items and save them........oooooooooooooooooooooo.... tones of work!!!


5. write some functions to loop though and save the search track result.

Create a class spotifyUtli.cls under the folder utli

write the following class methods

Class rest.utli.spotifyUtli Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod getSearchResult(str As %String = "") As %Status [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getSearchResult()
	set rtn=0
	set a={}.%FromJSON(str) //from json tn dynamic object
	//w a,!
	// loop through the object using an iterator
	set iter = a.%GetIterator()
	while iter.%GetNext(.key , .value ) 
		//write !, ?5, "Key: ", key, ", Value: ", value, " type: ", a.%GetTypeOf(key)_" with value "_a.%Get(key)
		if key="tracks"
			//w !,?10,"call get tracks",!
			set std=##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchResult(.value)
		//set b=value
		//w !,?10,
	kill a
	return rtn

ClassMethod getTrakSearchResult(ByRef tracksobj As %DynamicObject) As %Status [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchResult()
	set rtn=0
	// loop through the object using an iterator
	set iter = tracksobj.%GetIterator()
	while iter.%GetNext(.key , .value ) 
		//write !, ?5, "Key: ", key, ", Value: ", value
		if key="items"
			// loop through the array using an iterator twice**
			set iter1=value.%GetIterator()
			while iter1.%GetNext(.key1 , .value1 )
				kill tkobj
				set tkobj=##class(rest.spotify.track).%New()
				set rowid=""
				//write !, ?10, "Key: ", key1, ", Value: ", value1
				set iter2=value1.%GetIterator()
				while iter2.%GetNext(.key2 , .value2)
					//write !, ?10, "Key: ", key2, ", Value: ", value2
					if key2="album"
						//set std=##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchAlbumResult(.value2) //w !,?15,"call get album"
						set album=##class(rest.spotify.album).%New()
						set std=##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchAlbumResult(.value2,.album)
						set tkobj.album=album
						kill album
					if key2="external_urls"
						//w !,?15,value2.spotify
						set tkobj.spotifyurl=value2.spotify
					if key2="name"
						//w !,?15,"name: ",value2
					if key2="popularity"
						//w !,?15,"popularity: ",value2
						set tkobj.popularity=value2
					if key2="track_number"
						//w !,?15,"track_number: ",value2
						set tkobj.tracknumber=value2
					if key2="id"
						//w !,?15,"id: ",value2
						set tkobj.spotifyid=value2
						set rowid=##class(rest.spotify.track).checkRowid(value2)
				if (rowid=0)
					set std=tkobj.%Save()
				kill tkobj
	set rtn=1
	return rtn

ClassMethod getTrakSearchAlbumResult(ByRef albumobj As %DynamicObject, ByRef album As rest.spotify.album) As %Status [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchAlbumResult()
	set rtn=0
	kill alobj
	set alobj=##class(rest.spotify.album).%New()
	set rowid=""
	// loop through the object using an iterator
	set iter = albumobj.%GetIterator()
	while iter.%GetNext(.key , .value ) 
		//write !, ?5, "Key: ", key, ", Value: ", value
		if key="name"
			//w !,?10,"name: ",value
		if key="release_date"
			//w !,?10,"release_date: ",value
			set alobj.releasedate=value
		if key="id"
			//w !,?10,"id: ",value
			set alobj.spotifyid=value
			set rowid=##class(rest.spotify.album).checkRowid(value)
		if key="artists"
			set artist=##class(rest.spotify.artists).%New()
			set std=##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchArtistsResult(.value,.artist)
			set alobj.artists=artist
			kill artist
			//w !,?10,"call get artists"
		if key="album_type"
			//w !,?10,"album_type: ",value
			set alobj.albumtype=value
		if key="external_urls"
			//w !,?10,value.spotify
			set alobj.spotifyurl=value.spotify
	if (rowid=0)
		set std=alobj.%Save()
		set album=alobj
	if (rowid>0)
		set album=##class(rest.spotify.album).%OpenId(rowid)
	kill alobj
	set rtn=1
	return rtn

ClassMethod getTrakSearchArtistsResult(ByRef artistsobj As %DynamicObject, ByRef artist As rest.spotify.artists) As %Status [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getTrakSearchArtistsResult()
	set rtn=0
	// loop through the array using an iterator twice**
	set iter = artistsobj.%GetIterator()
	while iter.%GetNext(.key , .value ) 
		kill aobj
		set aobj=##class(rest.spotify.artists).%New()
		set rowid=""
		set iter1 = value.%GetIterator()
		while iter1.%GetNext(.key1 , .value1 ) 
			//write !, ?5, "Key: ", key1, ", Value: ", value1
			if key1="id"
				set aobj.spotifyid=value1
				set rowid=##class(rest.spotify.artists).checkRowid(value1)
			if key1="name"
				//w !,?12,"name: ",value1
			if key1="external_urls"
				//w !,?12,value1.spotify
				set aobj.spotifyurl=value1.spotify
		if (rowid=0)
			set std=aobj.%Save()
			set artist=aobj
		if (rowid>0)
			set artist=##class(rest.spotify.artists).%OpenId(rowid)
		kill aobj
	set rtn=1
	return rtn

Save the class


6. Test the class method getSearchResult

Run the following line

w ##class(rest.utli.spotifyUtli).getSearchResult(##class(rest.utli.requestUtli).getdata("Spotify","/search","offset=5&limit=10&query=Shape%20of%20you&type=track&market=SG"))

Seems ok.... so far....😀


7. Check the data from the table


a. check the artist by the following SQL

ID, name, spotifyid, spotifyurl
FROM rest_spotify.artists

b. Check the album by the following SQL

ID, albumtype, artists->name as artist, name, releasedate, spotifyid, spotifyurl
FROM rest_spotify.album


c. Check the track by the following SQL

ID, album->name as album, album->artists->name as artist, name, popularity, spotifyid, spotifyurl, tracknumber
FROM rest_spotify.track


Yeah!!!! Working!!! I can create my track list by querying Spotify now!!!!!!!!😂🤣😉

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